Boom Boom Ba - song by Metisse. found on the TV show Dead Like Me.
Wonderful song. And a wonderful show. If you've never seen it, don't judge it by this video! It will seem very depressing, I'm sure. But it is really funny and warm and quirky. Seriously. It's one of those shows which make me claim that the quality and creativity that used to belong only to film is now found in TV.
Michael Burton said...
I think this may be the best fictional show I've ever seen on television. It's funny and sad. The end of each episode always seemed to come as a surprise -- no neat endings -- and yet, as the final credits rolled, I always found myself saying, "What a great show!"
I think this song is first heard as George is showing her scrapbook, titled "Mysterious and Reassuring." That describes the whole show -- mysterious and reassuring, indeed.
Leviathud said...
Thanks for reminding me of such agreat show. I was able to watch it for 2 months while I took care of my grandmothers place while she was in the hospital with cancer. I dont think I could have asked for a better show at a better time. Funny, quirky and thoroughly enjoyable. I will definitly be buying it when I can.
I think this may be the best fictional show I've ever seen on television. It's funny and sad. The end of each episode always seemed to come as a surprise -- no neat endings -- and yet, as the final credits rolled, I always found myself saying, "What a great show!"
I think this song is first heard as George is showing her scrapbook, titled "Mysterious and Reassuring." That describes the whole show -- mysterious and reassuring, indeed.
Thanks for reminding me of such agreat show. I was able to watch it for 2 months while I took care of my grandmothers place while she was in the hospital with cancer. I dont think I could have asked for a better show at a better time. Funny, quirky and thoroughly enjoyable. I will definitly be buying it when I can.
It seems to be written by Stewart Copeland. The song that is. Stewart, of course, is the magnificent drummer for the rock band Police.
Actually, to correct myself, it seems "Boom Boom Ba" was written by the band Métisse. The rest of the soundtrack is by Copeland.
If you enjoyed Dead like me, and have a taste for something way off the Hollywood beaten track try Hirokazu Kore-eda' Afterlife (Link goes to a review.)
It's gentle, haunting, thoughtful.
IMDB entry
Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look.
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