Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Design E speakers

The speakers in the picture below are from, and I am one of the first people in the world to get a set (the sixteenth buyer according to a highly placed source in the company), they are brand spanking new. These guys break new ground in speaker designs. Real solid wood for one thing, for another the spherical design which helps both sound and looks, and I think they were the first to use that.
I have had them a few months now, and I am very pleased. They have a relaxed, well rounded sound, and everybody comments on the design.
Sometimes they play from the Mac behind me, but most of the time they play from the black iPod you can see, also behind me. It gives a full sound that I can't differentiate from a full scale CD player, and it holds currently 3,000 songs! I can control it with the tine white Apple remote you also see on the table.

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