Thursday, September 08, 2011

.xxx rated: internet's red-light district has arrived

[Thanks to Tommy]
.xxx rated: internet's red-light district has arrived, article

A lot of fresh money for the product-less registar business. 

The bit I fear is this may eventually lead to a lot of pressure to make all porn sites use XXX domains and only XXX domains. But how about nude art sites, and oddities like Domai, will they be forced into this "shameful ghetto" also?

Also, just the idea that you need a special domain for sexual content really strengthens the feeling that this kind of thing is shameful and immoral. It could be a very big step backwards after all the progress the West has made in recent decades in tearing down the artificial barriers between erotic culture and "proper" culture. 


Tommy said...

"Domai, will they be forced into this "shameful ghetto" also?"

I (hopefully WE) certainly hope that this DOES NOT happen... It would be a sad day indeed..

Bruce W. said...

I share the concern.

"Ghettoizing" content/thought/ideas/people is the first step of the ultimate goal of total control and/or destruction. It is downright scary.

The next step will be limiting/prohibiting access to the .xxx domain to "protect children and public morality."

Apocalypse Dan said...

I agree that the use of, and the enforcing of the use of, .xxx for any kind of nudity will shape thinking so that our current moral climate shifts even further towards that ridiculous extreme where any depiction of female nudity is viewed as something perverse or shameful. I find it revolting that we can view death, killing, and violence on regular TV but anything even closely resembling nudity or sexual discourse. Personally, I'd prefer a world where the field is open on both ends and people can simply turn off a program if they find its content offensive (whether a nude body or a pretend decapitated one)

The Dissonance said...

Sigh... looks like there is gold in dem xxx hills. When there's a buck to be made, who cares about the citizen's rights.

Jayakumar Chandrasekaran said...

May be a rating like .x .xx .xxx would be more appropriate

sukiho said...

its just a name, altho quite an expensive one I believe

Anonymous said...

On a similar note, YouTube bans sexual content, but a breast feeding video can show total nudity of mother and child.

benjamin k said...

If only pornography could be clearly defined... I don't believe that nudity is pornography, and I believe that what may be erotic is subjectively defined by the individual beholder. Personally I don't have a problem with the ghetto-ization of what I consider pornography, but that's because I don't really like it.
But I'd miss nudity, especially DOMAI nudity terribly if it were restricted beyond my reach and social decency.
Nudity is the only decency!

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

You see, that's the problem: many people don't like "pornography", but many define it very differently than others.

Porn is when the predominant effect is sexual stimulation. And some get uncomfortably stimulated by a girl in a bikini!
So I don't think it can ever be solved, only processed.

Anonymous said...

On a similar note, YouTube bans sexual content, but a breast feeding video can show total nudity of mother and child.

So you could do a video showing a woman being double teamed and sucking a dude off as long as she's breast feeding a baby at the same time.