Friday, April 09, 2010

Energy emanations

Isn't it interesting how people can just exude or emanate something? Like some people make others grouchy just by being near. Or happy.

Or sex. Or similar things. It can have many variations, though. Once in a supermarket I saw a good looking forty-ish woman who was demonstrating something or other. And just walking past, I got the absolutely certain perception that she loved men. It included sex, but was clearly a good and strong and clean love.

In a hotel lobby I once saw a Thai call-girl come through. She was astoundingly gorgeous. She paid a phone bill from a huge wad of big bank notes. And she carried around her an intense cloud of pure sex. We were three men sitting there, and we were speechless until she had left.
It was amazing, it was like a durned superpower, seriously. I'm sure she can make men do whatever she wants. I hope she's only using it to earn an obscene amount of money, and not for evil. :-)
I'm sure some people could have felt it even if their back had been turned.

Emanations can be anything, though. Any emotion or state, or just personality.
There are different levels of sensitivity to these things. For example I have a friend, he always knows the exact moment when I enter the building, even if he's in another room or even in the shower.


malevolentpixie said...

Along these lines I had a boyfriend (well, a man really) who could do stuff I never could get my head around, though at the time it was strangely comforting, as I had never felt so secure in my life, nor have I since.

To explian everything would take a small novel, and most people would dismiss it as fantasy, but this guy KNEW stuff, and had talents that neither he nor anyone else has ever explained.

We could go out into a city, even a strange place where neithet of us had been before, seperately with friends. No plans to meet up, unless it 'happened'.
He would KNOW which club to go to if he wanted to find me, or could be in a busy noisy club himself and 'sense' the moment I walked in.
If we were apart, he KNEW if I was ever in trouble, or God forbid, danger.
He could 'compel' me to make contact with him at will, which he could demonstrate over and over. I'd feel a need to talk to him and call, to find out (often witnessed)that he had been willing me to do so. It still works now, 11 years after we split up, even though he's in the UK and I'm in Australia! He even knew I had fallen pregnant before I did, and at that stage we had not spoken for nearly two years! Strangely enough I still find this a comfort sometimes as he will call when I need him, even if I do not yet realise it :-)
The weirdest thing? He could (still can!) wake me from deep sleep, even across fourteen thousand miles.
At first, it was when we were together, but apart. We would talk later in the day, and I was always at least mildly shocked to find that he knew PRECISELY what time I had woken during the night - he was a great alarm clock, even when he couldn't simply nudge me ;-)
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, even now I regret us no longer being together :-(

I've never told him that.
I don't need to.
He knows.

TC [Girl] said...
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Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Awesome story.

I've heard several such stories from friends. One has to be a real fundamentalist skeptic to refuse such evidence.

Miserere said...

One has to be a real fundamentalist skeptic to refuse such evidence.

Well, Eo, a sceptic needs actual, tangible evidence, which "such evidence" doesn't provide.


Ganesha Games said...

Once my yoga guru was asked at a convention "show us what is heaven". He said okay, when I will say "now", you will feel like it feels to be in heaven.
And then he goes...


Silence. We were in ahuge tent by the Black Sea. The top of the tent billowed in the wind.
I felt like a wind going through me-- a wind of emotions, of joy. I felt the lifeforce of things around me. People started to cry. There were 3 hours of spontaneous thanks, and people going on stage to tell what they felt.

Naysayers will say "suggestion". OK who said that what we call suggestion isn't a clear, recognizable force that shapes our lives? I'm Hindu so this resonates well with my religious beliefs, but even if I weren't-- the feeling was real, the tears were real. It was really something out of this world.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...
