Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reciprocating Dingle Arm

"The turboencabulator has now reached a high level of development, and it's being successfully used in the operation of novatronions."

From email:
Years ago, Rockwell International decided to get into the heavy duty transmission business. They were getting ready to tape a first introduction video, and, as a warm up, the professional narrator began what has become a legend within the trucking industry. This was strictly off the cuff & nothing was written down.


RonC said...

A little early for your usual April 1st celebration aren't you, Eolake ?

Or rather half a century late, somewhat after the US engineers and UK engineering students - see

CalgaryMark said...

Eolake, if you enjoyed that - I think you will love 'Professor' Stanley Unwin. An admirer has put up a web site - - and I suggest you go to 'Audio' and then read his background. I remember listening to Stanley Unwin on BBC radio comedy programmes in the 1950s. There is a lot more about Unwin - just Google his Title and name.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Bah. This ain't as cool as counter-splitting exiddles in a fribbulated Zigguratron. Mine's Kryptonite core is encased in solid Neutronium. And the upgrade will make full use of my newly purchased tempered Unobtanium scaleplates. All three cubic acres of them.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go carbonibrate the Schmilblick before it expialidoces. Last time THAT happened, there was Limbo shards everywhere. Took me lightyears to renumber all the fractalured dimensions.

And it's very fortunate that the Jabberwok was watching Beavis & Stimpy when it happened. (shudracks)