Sunday, March 28, 2010


It's so sad how most of the world is stuck in cliches. For example I just saw a link for an Asian porn site, and before it loaded, I knew exactly how it would look, because they all look exactly the same. Seriously, it's so monotone that it's soul-deadening.
Of course that's not just true for Asian sites, but this just struck me forcefully.

1 comment:

Alexander Greene said...

"1000s of XYZ Beauties HERE! Videos HERE! Pics! Chat! Live Webcam!

--> Members Page --> Tour --> Join Now!"

LOL It's true! We could wander to the stars, bump into Klingons and still their porn websites would have

"naDev be'pu' 'IHqu' law'qu' wIghaj! --> nganpu'vaD --> yIleng --> DaH yImuv"

all over them! XD