Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Poor Tiger

... I am this close to just filtering my email to remove all references to Tiger Woods.

You know, I used to blame the press for the delight in "propping them up and then shooting them down"... But now I suspect that it's really something deep in all of us who loves to see somebody take a hard fall.


Ray said...

Apparently, his parents were so anxious to see him become a famous golfer, they didn't bother teaching him much about personal relationships
or anything else. And this media 'feeding frenzy' is just disgusting.

Joe said...

"all of us .... loves to see somebody take a hard fall."

I think it is just that it makes us feel good to see that the rich and famous have problems too.

In Tiger's case he thought that he could get away with his indiscretions. But once it started the flood gates opened.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

I'd love to see those who brazenly lie to a whole nation for a gratuitous war take a hard fall!!!
WTF is WRONG with these Americans? Better the bloddied jacket than the scarlet letter, every single fucking time? Phooey!

Whatever TW did, the mess in his private life was undoubtedly punishment enough. With some change to spare.
I wonder what would be a fitting punishment for this pack of sickening screeching scavengers commonly called "the Public"?...

"I think it is just that it makes us feel good to see that the rich and famous have problems too."
Very long ago, I realized one day that is was foolish to envy the lives of "the rich and famous". Since then, the novelty kind of completely wore off... Kind of.

(Say, have you heard the latest juicy bit about Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley? whisper-whisper and then whisper-whisper and Harry whisper-whisper Dumbledore himself whisper-whisper just incredible!)

"In Tiger's case he thought that he could get away with his indiscretions."
I'm not too sure about that. Cheating husbands/BFs usually don't even envision the possibility of being caught, otherwise they just wouldn't DO it!
It's like they say, "both brains of a man cannot function at the same time". He didn't think he could get away with it, he didn't think, PERIOD.
So, apart from having the talent of a friggin' GOD at Golf, he's just like any ordinary and flawed American guy.
Imagine that!!!

"But once it started the flood gates opened."
Oh, is THAT what they call it these days? Back in Clinton's days, it was called "having a puff from Castro's big cigar".
And then Bill had to up and say the "F" word on TV. No, the OTHER "F" word.
(cough FELLATIO! cough)

The friggin' President of the US of A, and he couldn't find himself a horny babe less ugly than Monica?
I'd really love to hear what special Far East tantralizing secrets she must've mastered to cloud his male judgement so badly...

P.S.: Have you heard about MY sex life?
(If you have, please let me know, okay? I've been searching for it for SO long, I could shag the Christmas turkey right about now. Except it's frigid, I mean, in the freezer!)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Okaaaaaaay, I think that was more information than we were looking for...

Joe said...

"But once it started the flood gates opened."

I was thinking along the line that once the first woman came forward. Every female that he had ever associated with came forward, with dollar signs in their eyes looking for her fifteen minutes of fame.

Good to see you back Pascal. It has been too quiet with out you.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Yes, I myself have been missing much of the action. Even right under my nose.
So much for cheering the national sport!

Wassamatta, Eolake, never heard of "stuffing the turkey"?
At least, you must remember where Mr Bean got his head stuck once! ;-)

The word "chick" had to be replaced when translating this from French, but still, I suddenly HAD to share it with y'all:

What vertebrate grows up a thousand pounds overnight?
Answer: the macho's girlfriend.
In the evening, it's "come here, kitten".
And come morning, it's "Awright, get lost, ya fat cow!"

Still, I think we'll stuff that turkey the traditional way. My Mom's recipe has everybody asking for seconds.
(She's adapted coq au vin into something scruptilicious!)
And Mom's apple pie is better than any f***ing american stuff you've ever tried. Seriously.