Monday, November 16, 2009

Stewie and Hustler

I'm just watching season eight of FG, and it's surprisingly good.
This one, apart from furthering the society-wide sub-literate error that "vagina" is now being used for "vulva" (the vagina is just the inside tube), is totally hil.


Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Well now, you can't blame young Stewie for not knowing that nuance, can you? ;-)

As a bonus, now he also knows what a confetti looks like!!!

I *love* the Miss Liberty frame that seems to conclude this fine American example of "using automatic firearms to protect our fine nation against immorality"... Irony intended?

Hah! I bet that evil magazine is going to make itself scarce now. But not as "skers" as my Captcha.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how people care so much about accuracy in some areas, but not in others. You care nothing for otherwise. How many posts have we all seen where you get things wrong simply out of laziness? But this you care about? Who gives a shit? In time the definition will change. For example, people have been misusing the word "race" and now the OED has modified the definition to make it include nationalities too, so that criticising the krauts can now be considered racist.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Temper, temper. Somebody's feeling snarky today... (Or feeling bojummy?)

Actually, "race" meaning "nationality", or sometimes "ethny", is a very ancient use of the term. "Germans are an industrious race. Italians are a passionate race. Americans are an enterprizing breed. Etc." Just read some 19th century adventure and travel novels. Jules Verne, for instance, has a very typical style in that regard. And it's been that way for centuries.
Only when the nazis took bogus scientific justification of these notions to unacceptable extremes did the whole world (or at least its civilized part) realize how dumb they really were altogether. Leading to Freudian-like repression of the memory of it ever happening.

Better luck with your accuracy next time, Jonesy!

BTW, "criticising the krauts" is improper. You should say "advising the European-Aryans to go copulate with themselves".

"Who gives a shit?"
Well, naturally, if you're anally retentive, you wouldn't. That's the ROOT of the problem, isn't it?
Sometimes, you just have to... let go of things, man, know what I'm saying?
Give the fertilizer back to Mother Nature.

Anonymous said...

Race is such a misused word, sometimes even used in place of species. It doesn't in fact mean nationality, and never has. The examples you cited are just examples of the word's misuse, although that misuse is a lot older than Anonymous thinks.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

"Race is such a misused word, sometimes even used in place of species."
You mean, as in 99% of all S-F stories? "All the intelligent RACES of the Galaxy", including some "races" made of silicon or gas or pure energy... or all of the above at once. To quote Josie: "FART!" :o)
I know some dog breeders who would LOVE to know how you isolate such "race traits"!!!

"although that misuse is a lot older than Anonymous thinks"
Well, the amalgam between "race", "breed", "nation", "community", or even "family" or "inhabitants of the neighboring village", is probably older than Anon itself.
Praise the Great Innominati, Krishna Akbar, et caetera.