Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Consciousness Drives the Universe

Consciousness Drives the Universe, video on the holographic nature of the universe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy moly! It's like Ctein's "funneling of beams of anti-expositrons through a tachyonic memory to get extra-long exposure ranges", except he admits it's hokum. These people take a few basic facts and try to create some fantastical mythology, all with a straight face. It's funny at first, but like any snake-oil televangelist, they take themselves awfully seriously. Listen carefully, and within a few seconds, you'll shout "WRONG!" to each one's line of bullshot.

The knowledge that matter is not "solid" is nothing new. But implying that it is therefore tachyonic holographic anti-expositrons is sheer silliness. Pink unicorns, indeed!