Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eric Staller

Another amazing artist found thanks to A Dark Roasted Blend: Eric Staller. He is one of the rare artists whose talent is so diverse that he can't be confined to one style, and not even one medium. It takes guts to follow such a flighty muse, since it tends to be an unwelcome choice commercially. The natural conservatism of the world and the art world tends to reward the artist who "finds himself" and then sticks to "himself", dangit.

I always had an allergic reaction to this demand to "find yourself" as an artist. It completely ignores the fact that some of the greatest artists in the world are also some of the most diverse artists.

Eric Staller says:
Thanks Eolake. Your comments about the art world are spot-on. I certainly would have had more commercial success if I had stayed with one form of expression ( I was having great success with my photography but still moved on). My ConferenceBike sales now help offset the pain of underwriting some of my more expensive projects.
please consider ordering my book.

1 comment:

Bert said...

The breasts on the aquarium could have used a little more inspiration, don't you think? ;-)