Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Scrat from Ice Age I and II may be the funniest animated character ever.
I am just watching Ice Age II, and the first scene here had me laughing so hard I was afraid of stomach cramps.


Anonymous said...

You laugh at children's movies? Hmm, interesting. Maybe you have the Peter Pan syndrome? Ah well, glad you laughed. I don't watch children's flicks. Be happy at whatever you do.

Anonymous said...

Quite a fighter this scrat guy. Motivational gurus should use him as a role model for persistance.

Here is something that leaves me perplexed.

John Lasseter is the soul of Pixar, and the guy who revolutionised character animation using computer generated imagery (CGI). He is also the person responsible for the huge success of films such as Toy Story, Monsters and Ice Age, all distributed by Disney.

In January 2006 Disney, realising that the future of animation was in CGI, and that they had all but dismantled their legendary hand-drawn cell animation studio, acquired Pixar. Lasseter became chief creative affairs officer at Disney Feature Animation.

So, what does Lasseter, employed by Disney, do now? He wants Disney to go back to hand-drawn cell animation. "I can't wait until I can get Disney back to the traditional animation business again," Lasseter said recently.

Disney's forthcoming hand-drawn feature, Enchanted, is scheduled for release in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Ice Age and its sequel are not by Pixar but instead by a newer studio. The style is so similar that I didn't even think about it. My bad.

Anyway, my point is: Are our eyes by now so accustomed to CGI (from features, commercials and games) that all of a sudden traditional (2D) animation is cool again?

It seems Enchanted will not only be 2D animation, but a hybrid of 2D animation and live action.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Anon (name?), I really don't see any pressing need for distinguishing between "children's movies" and "adult's movies".

TTL: funny, I was just thinking: the world is about ready for the next gen 2D animation.
I don't see why it should be done on cells, though, computers are so much more flexible.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

The Emperor's New Grove, apart from being funny as hell, is *gorgeous* 2D animation. Beautiful abstract drawings.

Anonymous said...

Eolake, you are right about the cell issue. Of course, you could think of layers in computerized 2D animation as 'virtual cells'.

"I really don't see any pressing need for distinguishing between "children's movies" and "adult's movies".

Me neither. But ... perhaps Anon is a connoisseur of adult entertainment. :-)

Anonymous said...

..."laughing so hard I was afraid of stomach cramps."

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The peril is very real.

Anonymous said...

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The peril is very real.

And so am I very real. Watch your back as you walk through doorways.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the advice. The thing with these dang hoods is, they give a nicely forboding look, but there's no way you can see anywhere except right in front of you.

How on Earth (or in Space) did Darth Vader manage with his fangdangled helmet?
Also, how does Batman fight kung-fu without ever getting all wrapped up in that cape? I'm dying to know. I could use such a technique...