Monday, August 29, 2011

Watching "Trollied"?

Is anybody watching that current TV comedy in UK, "Trollied"?
Am I getting slow, or is much of it pretty durn opaque humor? Is it a new advanced kind? Or just so much "English humour" that it leaves a poor Dane behind?


RonC said...

Jane Horrocks (a local actress, from Rossendale) was my main reason to start watching this programme, but - no, Eo, it's not you ! The material is written poorly, and the cracks are papered over with 'potty humour', most of which is predictable and certainly doesn't strike me as very 'funny'.

In the 'lead', Jane has far too little to do, and few situations in which to show her mettle.

So - please don't use this to assess Jane H's output: she has done much better work, for example 'Little Voice' for the big screen, 'Bubble' in 'AbFab' for TV - even her ads for Tesco Supermarket with Pru Scales are way better than 'Trollied'.

(Heck, Eo - I'd rather watch 'The Killing' in Danish than Trollied.)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Oh yes, she was Bubble in AbFab! Excellent character and great show.
Jane is beautiful and very good.

Others I've talked to locally also generally didn't care for Trollied, so.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Ah yes, I can see I've watched Little Voice years ago. I don't remember it clearly, but I can see I gave it high marks on LoveFilm, and it's on the comedic side, so I'll watch it again.

RonC said...

In 'Little Voice', Jane did all her own singing (impressions of many other singers' styles) - and Michael Caine wasn't bad, either.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Yes, I recall her singing was very impressive.