Wednesday, July 07, 2010

All the world's a stage

"The American: businesslike, unwilling to be distracted.
      The Canadian: self-absorbed and disconnected from  reality.
              The Italian and the French: ”LOOK AT THAT BUTT”


steve gutenberg said...

The Italian looks like he can't quite believe what he's seeing.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Take a closer look: the Canadian is actually stepping on one of the woman's paper sheets, delaying her in that position for the other two perver... uhm, aesthetes! :-)

I think Barack is trying to stoically bear with the immature childishness of the whole bunch, LOL!

Well spotted! I bet his reputation as a womanizer is way overdone. :-P

ganesha games said...

that man is the shame of our nation. Please do not judge us by him.

Although, I believe that a country has the government it deserves, he was elected anyway.

ganesha games said...

ok my comment made more sense if it appeared before Pascal's lol, now I seem I'm criticizing him for not being womanizer enough...

Ray said...

Our man Harper, in addition to standing on the paperwork is also trying valiantly to find his name tag
so the rest won't call him "Hey, You!"

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Oh, you're Italian, GG?
For a second there, I got wondering: "Hunh? Where did I *AGAIN* mention my pet peeve Dubya?" ROTFWL!

If the shameful people that nations elect reveal a lot about a country, PLEASE don't inquire AT ALL about Lebanese politics. Just... please, okay?
I'm only half-lebanese anyway. Honest, I swear to Belenos!

"now I seem I'm criticizing him for not being womanizer enough..."
Ulp!... Yeah, DON'T do that!!! (^_^)
Tell you what, criticize Bill Clinton instead.

You mean like that precursor in naked hotties photos, Hey-You Heffner? ;-)

[Pascal takes a bow and exits, stage left. Applause isn't mandatory, but it's definitely allowed, hint-hint!]

clive fulford said...

Take a closer look: the Canadian is actually stepping on one of the woman's paper sheets, delaying her in that position for the other two perver... uhm, aesthetes! :-)

He's the nerd of the group. He just wants to curry favor with his cooler European counterparts.

Obama is like the slightly older kid who is trying to pretend to be above that kind of thing.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

He *IS* above it, Clive. I'd say, about a head above the others! (^_^)
But like you said, he's slightly older, so of course he'll be the tallest.

Anonymous said...

The Italian dude I'd put at late 60s.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

You're too kind. He's nearly 74.
But he DID spend a lot of money on cosmetic care. His whole "rooftop" is made of relocated hair, and I think he's had at least one facelift.

TC [Girl] said...

Just happened to run into this vid, looking for the author of an audiobook I am listening to, right now. Couldn't help sharing it; in re: your pursuit of the best-looking butt! Looks like there's a few more, where that came from! Enjoy! :-D