Friday, August 07, 2009

"Lunch" network

I've been invited (by one of the founders I think) to join the "Lunch" network. Anybody familiar with it?
I'm not terribly interested in Facebook or Myspace, but this might be different.


The Dissonance said...

Hmm... yet another beta. If you leap, let us know what you think.

Timo Lehtinen said...

It has a tag cloud (here). Anything with a tag cloud I steer clear of.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...


Looking closer, I see it would involve a lot of work with me writing reviews.

And we already have sites sharing reviews, like epinions etc.

Anonymous said...

The idea behind it seems strange, like yet another thing that will create lonelier and lonelier people. Sure, you'll "connect" with people who share your interests, but if they live in different places all around the world you'll probably never meet most of them.

When I was younger I used to think I'd rather hang out with people who shared my interests, but as I get older I find it's good to know people who are into different things.