Monday, August 24, 2009

Iko Iko (Jockomo Feenanay)

I must have a dozen versions of Iko Iko on my iPod. Cyndi Lauper's version (below) is one of my faves.
But some of the lyrics don't make no sense. Especially "Jockomo Feenanay".
There are many different interpretations/explanations, but the one I like best is:
"“Jockomo Feenanay” is a chant used by the Mardi Gras Indians, African-Americans who dress in creative adaptations of Native American costumes. Jockomo Feenanay is Creole dialect for a French phrase, which means, “Every day is New Year’s Eve.” Jockomo Feenanay relays the essential message of Carnival: every single day brings us new opportunities to appreciate life."

Here is the (or an) original version.

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