I read Spawn for a while there, but as the numbering approached a hundred issues, it began to feel to me like they had no idea where to take the character, and they were not in a hurry to find out.
Also, in typical Image Comics style, the comic was a continuing quest to find stronger and stronger effects, regardless of any much content. The number of lines in a drawing and the number of spikes-and-shit on Spawns costume just reached levels where people unfamiliar with comics surely had trouble figuring out what the heck they were even looking at.
I think the syndrome is the youthful one of the non-stop quest for MORE AND MORE EXCITEMENT! And it's like a drug which will keep the unaware audience member trapped and keep him oblivious that he is starving to death. Well, he is doing it to himself, of course.

I've never been a big fan of Todd McFarlan and hated what he did with Spidey even though everyone else I guess loved it, judging by sales. Spawn was good for a while, after The Todd stopped writing it. You're right about the whole Image style, though - that was the idea in the beginning, that artists were more important than writers. Wrong, of course - they're equally important.
I'm not a fan either. A lot of people like McFarlane's drawing because it was exciting to look at. I just found it too busy. Too much going on. I also thought it look unprofessional because it seemed like he didn't know anatomy. Of course, people said the same thing about Jack Kirby, but Todd McFarlane is no Jack Kirby.
Judging by the vanishingly small number of comments on YOUR blog, I think your opinion really doesn't matter.
Yours does? You won't even put a name on your posts.
There's a name. You happy?
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