Thursday, August 21, 2008

3D humans

3D humans are getting there.

And Emily.


Anonymous said...

I find amusing how digital models are getting pores while "real" models are having any semblance of real skin removed. Hah.

Bert said...

Applying makeup on digital model messes up your screen... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Haven't humans always been 3D? ;-) Or do mean that there are 2D humans who aren't getting anywhere? :-)

But if you mean CGI humans, yes, they can be very life like these days. Check out Emily.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

On some mornings I'm feeling remarkably two-dimensional myself.

Funny flub, though. I guess I was sleepy and just took my cue from the web site, which has "3D humans" 3D this and that plastered all over.