Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Great tits cope well with warming

No really, they do, it's official.


Alex said...

We don't have tits in CA, finches yes, tits no. How are cole tits faring? I always liked blue tits.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Wow, I just posted this, you must have loaded the page just as I had clicked Post.

Personally I don't know from tits. The feathered kind anyway.

Alex said...

Or I have devious software which snoops into the compose window on your browser.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Oooh, spooky. Can you tell what I'm thinking now?

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

I love tits of all sizes. Especially the little perky ones that won't let you ignore them in the morning!
They seem like nothing, but they get in your face, making sure you always know they're there, so close, yet always just out of your reach, teasing, cutely mocking you, tempting the Man, "can't catch me!".
And then they flutter away, and you never know when they'll be back. But you know they will. The pussy knows, and hopes, and yearns with moist lips, whiskers curled up, those green eyes narrowing with hungry desire.

P.S.: Eolake, *I* know what you're thinking right now. And mister, you should be ashamed!
In fact, you should have been BORN ashamed. The nurse told me how you were staring, you naughty boy.

Alex said...

Remember how the blue tits always used to nibble the cream on icy mornings. The cap would be pushed up everything was so stiff and cold. I think the milkman came too soon. Still, now we don't get it on our door step we don't get the tits either.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well played, Alex!

"Especially the little perky ones that won't let you ignore them in the morning!"

I used to live in a neighborhood with a lot of those. There was a park behind the college.

Alex said...

When you are brought up on

* Carry on films
* Are You Being Served
* Two Ronnies
* Dick Emery
* Mike Harding

and you later investigate

* Round the Horne (Kenneth Horne/Ken Williams)
* Dame Edna
* Ivor Biggun
* Monty Python

You soon get to understand double entendres. BBC Radio3 and Radio 4 used to be full of such stuff in the 90's.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Alex, WHAT double entendres? ;-)))

I'm not sure the sampling of milk bottles by tits was very hygienic, but it sure was cute.
(Milk, tits, geddit? Oh, I'm SO subtle!)

Alex said...