Make a photobook in a month.
Also on Mike's blog, a good article about something I've touched upon myself, the devaluation of useful words, in this case "ignorant". (Also about race horses and how they can't be saved.)
The devaluation of words like "ignorant" (or "liberal") comes about from a words being used as a weapon in heated political (in the widest sense) debates. After a few years of that, the word becomes so tainted with animosity that it just can't be used neutrally in mixed company anymore.
Interesting. Hmm... what else could we adapt this general idea to?
SoLoSyMo - Compose a symphony in a month
WrAnOsMo - Write an operating system in a month
PaOilExMo - Paint oils and hold exhibition in a month
ShEdMovie - Shoot and edit a feature length movie in a month
DaMiJac - Learn to dance like Maicol Geckson in a month
I'm not sure if you're sarcastic, but just for the heck of it, I'll assume so... :)
If you make number three "acrylics", then I could do it. My third solo exhibition (collage/drawings) was made in three weeks.
The original Little Shop of Horrors was a good film, and was shot in a weekend. I don't know how long post-production took, but I can imagine it taking less than a month.
Anyway, it's meant as an exercise, not a prescription for great work. (Though some of that sometimes appears from severe time restraints.)
Some more ...
NuDePixRich - Shoot nudie pics of girls and become rich in a month
BeatNaSa - Put a man on the moon in a month
NewPolyCult - Create a new polygamy cult and have your premises raided by the FBI in a month
InaMoMo - Launch an umbrella website for all InAMonth websites in a month
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