Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Water in the head

Candidates for the Darwin award.


The Dissonance said...

So way that's plugged in!?!?!

Anonymous said...

You guys do know, I hope, that most of those types of pictures are faked, right? Otherwise the joke's on you.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they simply know a little too much for their own good. This is a lot safer (for the persons, not the electrical system) than many common "kitchen setups". No kidding.

Still, it is not because there's a higher chance of setting the house on fire than to be harmed that I would recommend it. ;-)

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Like The Dissonance said. I'm in perfect pitch with him: "No-effing-way."

Granted, we well know there CAN exist such astronomically moronic cretins. ("Human stupidity is infinite. As for the Universe, I'm not totally sure." -Einstein) Even though this here beats even the things I've seen in Jackass: the videogame, where they simulate every suicidal thing even THEY aren't mad enough to attempt for real. (There's a "bail out" button available, and the more compound injuries you manage to inflict to your player, the higher the advertizers pay to the production. Each injury comes with an authentic medical X-ray image.)
But honestly: these primates couldn't possibly have survived long enough for the photo to be taken. Even with the tetany helping them "smile"!

Bert said...
"Still, it is not because there's a higher chance of setting the house on fire than to be harmed that I would recommend it."

Here's a useful bit of friendly advice for you, buddy: don't try to apply for the Jackass team.
You're way too cautious, smart, serious... in a word, BORING. (Boo!)
Spoilsport. Don't count on me to go "golfing with handgrenades" with you, or kick you in the groin for come good clean fun. Such refined humour just eludes the likes of you.

Anonymous said...

"Such refined humour just eludes the likes of you."

'Tis sadly true... sob!

BUT, it is also true that the cretins have nothing to fear until they attempt to leave the pool! PFFRRT!

Pascal [P-04referent] said...


More in the lines of KZZAAPT!

And please quit sobbing, you're weeping all over the floor, and the salt in your tears helps conduct electricity. You depressive public menace intellectual!