Update: Hey-Zeus friggin' Cripes, if I needed a new thing to be geeky about, this is it! I don't think there's any end to the refinements to the things to learn about making espresso/cappuccino.
Question is if it's relevant to me. For instance, coffee gourmets tell us that coffee must be totally freshly ground, and even freshly roasted (!) to be at its best. But so far in my life I've not been able to tell the difference. But then maybe I never had really fresh coffee. But do I want to learn? Maybe I'll be spoiled if it's really significantly better.
Domestic Tamper Mat?
Hey, is that email comments to... button new?
I have alerted the IAEA.
George Bush says all options are on the table.
My new DSL device also came with a heap of information and instruction manuals.
I just went on, plugged all the devices together logically, started the installation wizzard and intuitively followed all the given instructions, a thing which took only a few minutes (T-Online).
The outcome:
........TA DAAAAAAH...........
Now I can load Domai so much faster, so fast indeed, that I quickly renewed my membership, which I had shut down because of the slow dial-up connection.
A happy Monsieur!!
"Hey, is that email comments to... button new?"
Yeah, didn't you see my post about it? :)
Isn't "Domestic Tamper Mat" a wonderful term? You can imagine all sorts of thing its for.
I'm not even sure yet. I suspect "tampering" is stamping the grounds in the filter.
Monsieur Beep, I love everything about that. :)
I always think tamper = interfere. I forget about tamping down or plugging up.
Now president Ahmadinejad has gotta somethin' more to learn.
Anurag said...
"Now president Ahmadinejad has gotta somethin' more to learn."
Yeah, how to make UN-approved atomic coffee!
B.A.R.K.! Barking At Ridiculous Klowning! :-D
Soryy, pascal but i didn't understand this phrase 'B.A.R.K.' i meant, were you scoldin' me or the president?
Pascal! I meant.
Mocking my own Klowning. :o)
(Smiley wearing a red nose)
Harry Potter's godfather had "a laugh resembling barking"...
Sorry if my new acronyms get confusing sometimes. I'm trying to be more creative than the awfully cliché'd "LOL".
C-U O (See you 'round!)
Be Sirius for a moment!
Passionate Accolades Stricken Causing Actual Laughter!
See, when I try it doesn't work does it...
(Nose caught in elevator/lift door)
Oh, I dunno, I think it was better than some of Pascal's. :)
"Be Sirius"?
WOOF, ROTFWL! Spot-on, housemate!
(W.O.O.F.: Whinnying Of Outrageous Fun.)
I think your tries work just fine.
So, that'll be $145, and justly deserved. Pay up!
I bet you know KND: Kids Next Door.
Ooh! Ooh! I have another one:
Playful A.L.E.X. Spreading Constant Amusing Laughs.
Howzabout that?
A.L.E.X.: All Like Extreme X-citement.
(Saaaaay... Not a bad catch line for a LEGO advertising.
Lightweight Engineering Geometric Objects®, that is.)
Granted, we're slightly drifting away from the original topic on Francis Ford Cappucino and his fusion-powered "Siffredi"...
But as you may have guessed, I don't need any extra caffeine right now!
One of my favourite Lego ads. Actually there are two mixes of this song, this is the one available as an MP3 and the video is a compilation of the past few years Lego adds. The original mix from the promo video was harder and darker.
I bought one of there machines about 5 years ago and it's still going strong. The only thing that has gone wrong with it is the temperature dial doesn't work.
But I have to admit, lately I've been perving at the Italian Atomic (1960's) Stove Top machine.
Yep, my temperature dial stopped working too!
And I have to admit that aside from being pretty, this machine is not really much better than the cheap one I bought locally.
And I never got good at foaming milk, so I use the microwave. I dunno...
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