Computer graphics video is getting very advanced.
Regarding this UFO hoax, it seems that it's so well made that even experts couldn't tell for sure, until somebody spotted an unnecessary mistake with some trees.
In other words: in the future, we can expect to see a lot of videos where we simply never will be sure if it is real or computer-generated.
Of course if it's true what philosophers tell us that the world comes from the mind, the difference may be neglible.
Here's a nice demo reel of the software that apparently made it. (And that might explain who made it and posted it. The Blair Witch effect.)
cool blogue...and your art too.
I'm guessing it's either a very talented special effects artist trying to get a job with a big Hollywood studio, or a big Hollywood studio trying to create buzz around a forthcoming movie by leaking scenes made by very talented special effects artists.
Impressive, either way.
Not so impressive if it's real. Heck, anybody could shoot it with real UFOs.
Heck, anybody could shoot it with real UFOs.
LOL. There are NO ALIENS on other planets. We are alone. Deal with it folks.
not fooled said: "There are NO ALIENS on other planets."
Granted the majority of the population on any planet would no doubt be considered "locals". But I would not rule out the possibility of some of them acting as hosts to aliens, too.
According to scientists there are about 10,000,000,000 planets in the universe.
Have you checked every one?
not fooled said...
"There are NO ALIENS on other planets."
Where ELSE would you find extra-terrestrials? In Mexico? ;-)
The problem with such a statement is, absence of proof can never be a counter-proof, argumentum ad absurdo. Just like an atheist can never prove that God doesn't exist.
There is definitely some form of life on other planets, at least bacteriae. There are probably some on nearby Mars. Abstractly intelligent, self-aware life, that's another matter. And, if they're truly intelligent, maybe they just don't want to make contact with US!
Actually, TTL, I think your number might even be a few zeroes short! ONLY ten billion? Maybe in our Galaxy. I think there are 2 to 400 billion stars in our Galaxy, and as many galaxies in the (known) Universe. And perhaps 1 out of 10 stars having planets, if I'm not mistaken.
The number of exoplanets already detected directly is 273, and counting.
Since the Bible itself says nothing about life being absent on all other planets, this leaves room for very reasonable doubt.
Provided we remain in existence long enough to find out, what with pollution and global warming and all.
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