Saturday, January 21, 2006


If your friend never ever says anything negative about you or things you care about, how do you know if they are always being honest about the positive things they're saying, or just being polite?

In the other end, if your friend is always saying negative things, are they really the sort of person you want to hang around?


Monsieur Beep! said...

From the way I hear people talk about their absent friends and the way they treat them face to face I deduce what people think about me. A most interesting method giving amazing results. It works.

Zeppellina said...

I like to have an uncensored honesty with my friends.
If someone feels the need to be constantly nice, then it probably means they are scared to offend you, and as such, may never feel that they can reveal their true self to you.
On the other hand, someone who is being constantly negative generally either sees the world that way, or, if they are only being negative with one person, then, perhaps they either don`t really like that person, or worse still, are using constant negativity as a control mechanism.
Either way, too much negativity is unhealthy.