Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What if Michael Bay Directed "UP"?

Michael Bay is the director who is happy and proud that his crew is terrified of him. How do I know? He said so himself on a commentary track! (Transformers 1) He mentioned gleefully how when he was coming to the set in a bad mood, somebody would run ahead and shout "Coming in hot!", like the young boys in The Wire who ran around shouting "Five-Oh!" when the police were coming.

The one below is very critical, but it has some good points.
And M Bay recently walking off a stage because he was unable to say a few words about his process when the teleprompter broke? Whu?

(There are many of these "Honest Trailers", but be warned: don't watch them if they're about movies  you liked.)


Joe Dick said...

I was never able to watch Up past that depressing opening bit.

Michael Bay did direct The Rock, which rocked.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Funny, I liked the UP opening, but it didn't impact me especially. But many, many people were hugely impacted, mostly to tears rather than depression.

Bay has made some decent films, sure.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Funny, I liked the UP opening, but it didn't impact me especially. But many, many people were hugely impacted, mostly to tears rather than depression.

Bay has made some decent films, sure.