An attractive woman pretty much has every man she meets wanting her, so her choices are either to boff them all and making them all ticked off soon (and getting VD), or making most of them sad.
But many men really feel that it's disingenuous of a woman to hang out with him if she doesn't want to sleep with him. That's nuts, and hardly her problem.
Eurgh, friendzoning. The act of a desperate woman, and a mark of exceeding immaturity on her part, along with no small measure of insecurity and jealousy.
As a despicable action, the only proper response from the male has to be calm, measured contempt; the "sneer of cold command" on the visage of an Ozymandias.
"Look on my face, ye flighty, and despair," to paraphrase Shelley.
On the other hand, an attractive woman pretty much has every man she meets wanting her, so her choices are either to boff them all and making them all ticked off soon (and getting VD), or making most of them sad.
But many men really feel that it's disingenuous of a woman to hang out with him if she doesn't want to sleep with him. That's nuts, and hardly her problem.
Alex has obviously had his ass steeltoed back to Kentucky quite a few times. He's also a pretentious pseudo-intellectual...maybe chicks hate that.
Anon, what on Earth gave you the impression that I come from the United States at all, let alone Kentucky?
Wow, you really are stupid.
But many men really feel that it's disingenuous of a woman to hang out with him if she doesn't want to sleep with him. That's nuts, and hardly her problem.
How is it nuts? The only reason men want to hang out with women or women hang out with men is for sex. Otherwise it would be like when we were kids and just associated with our own gender. Without sexual desire there's no reason to want anything to do with the opposite sex.
This is the reason most women, at least or especially in their teens and twenties, are bitches. They know that a lot of guys think that a woman just being friendly to them equals them being interested. So it's better for them just to be really nasty to guys they have no interest in. In a way it's a better system that at least doesn't end up with guys having false hope.
Yeah, it's a pickle, with no really good solution.
It's the ingraining of the practice by Western culture that I object to. It's a way of attempting to increase the value of sex by making it somehow less obtainable, and it's an incorrect strategy because as any fule kno, simple sex is always available anywhere at rock-bottom prices; you just have to know where and how to shop around. And how low you're willing to go.
It also cheapens women by making it completely obvious that the only criterion of a relationship between a man and a woman expected by society has to be, can only be, sexual - that if they are not having sex, they are not in a relationship, and conversely that if they are in a relationship they have to be having sex within the first N dates or face accusations of being Teh Dreaded Gayz.
But this is not Hollywood. This is not some stupid American movie with a klutz of a woman whose only goal in the entire film, her only raison d'etre, is to Get A Man, and woe betide her if she hasn't fallen for the male lead before the closing credits.
Men and women (and men and men, and women and women) choose each other. It's not a unilateral thing, the woman "choosing" her man like a bloody Pokemon.
So to say that the man gets to have no choice in the matter is to fall into the worst, laziest, cheapest, stupidest kind of sexist bigotry going.
And hey, Anonymous, I can't understand a word you're saying because I don't understand Trollish. Maybe if you showed your face and put a name to your words, what you say might be considered useful - but I doubt you have the courage to own your words. Coward.
And hey, Anonymous, I can't understand a word you're saying because I don't understand Trollish. Maybe if you showed your face and put a name to your words, what you say might be considered useful - but I doubt you have the courage to own your words. Coward.
This old thing again. You are still anonymous, "Alex Greene." If you can't understand it's because you're too stupid. Your post immediately preceding this one proves that - it's meant to be something deep and philosophical but it's just idiotic and irrational.
Hmmmm! Thinking back, maybe I just wasn't attractive!
I'm married now, but when younger I slept with people (men and women) as and when I wanted to and the desire was mutual. If I was in a relationship, I found most people don't press their advances if you give clear signals. If you explain honestly your situation, why should you make anyone sad? I wouldn't want to sleep with anyone who either wasn't interested in me, or was in another relationship. Or is this a male/female thing? Is there some male imperative to chase the ones that run away?
I think for most men it's a much bigger deal. Many men think/believe that sex is as necessary as oxygen. Almost literally.
Many people, probably mostly men, use virtually all their free time thinking about or pursuing sex. It's just... well.
Millions of years of evolution, Eolake. Still, I'd say partly the problem is other men too. Many are so jealous that a guy who isn't interested in their woman sexually can't be friends with her because of that.
Good point, that's often a problem. Most people will get upset if their spouse is going out alone, often, with somebody else. It's a pity.
I like your post, Baroness! :)
I remember this topic already came up on this blog... and I think I was more interested in it then. Why is this topic not interesting me any more? :)
Dunno, personal development?
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