Friday, December 02, 2011

A pinhole photo in an egg

[Thanks to Phil]
A pinhole photo in an egg, article.
The egg shell is both the camera and the photo. What an excellent idea.
Now block the opening with a wrought-brass pin-holed plate, trying to restore the natural egg-ness of the shell. With the black tape seal the structure. You’ll notice that the shell is really transparent: to avoid any problem, wrap it with the black cloth, carefully leaving out the pinhole. During each stage of this process the egg could break. Usually it does.

I suspect this will become an art form like that thing with photographing the viewfinder of a medium format camera, only better and more timeless.


TC [Girl] said...
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TC [Girl] said...
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Eolake Stobblehouse said...

A pretty good article, but I'd like it as a web page for linking to.

TC [Girl] said...
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Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Your blog might do.

It's unnecessary to get people to download a file, and not everybody owns Word.

TC [Girl] said...
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