Sunday, August 08, 2010

So Amazing, But Nobody is Happy

So Amazing, But Nobody is Happy, Louis CK video.

I may have posted this before, but it's worth a second look. 


TC [Girl] said...

LOVE his humor; so true! I noticed and thought same, on my last trip: such an AMAZING feat and nobody gives a shit! People are not impressed! :-( And who, in their right mind, would want to go back to a "CORDED" rotary phone...w/a "party" line?! :-/

ttl said...

I have a corded phone. Unfortunately not a rotary one. The PBX's no longer support impulse dialing. So the retro style rotary phones you sometimes see are fake: they synthesize tones after the rotation stops.

The closest you can get to a real telephone apparatus today is corded w/ tone-dialing. So that's what I have. I am not happy with the compromise but it sure beats a mobile phone.

Ray said...

Once upon a time, I had a rotary phone shaped like an airplane, with the dial where the propeller would be. When was a kid, the phone was a wooden box on the wall, with a crank to ring the operator, or ring one of the coded sets of rings for the other 21 people on the party line....
Just try having an emergency when two of the local busybodies are having their daily gossip session.
Those were the days....and thank God they're gone forever!

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

My sis kept her dial phone, just out of enertia, I guess, into the early nineties or something. She mentioned talking to her banker who was hawking telephone banking. He was saying his parrot lines: "and if you have a touch-dial phone..." - "I don't," she said. He said "whu...??"

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

When I was a child, we had a black box, with a lady who connected you. I remember at five or something I'd been left alone for a few minutes, and told to tell the lady to get me "Ruth and Per" if I wanted my parents. And she did. Though she called me "little guy"... I was not little, I was five!