UK is under snow.
It was a bit funny to be in town today: it was half empty, and of those who where there, half were tradespeople wondering where their customers were, and half were customers wondering why they favorite businesses were closed...
And I must say that looking out at my windows from my cozy apartment at all my neighbors struggling hour after hour with scrapers and shovels trying to dig their cars out of the snow and ice, I feel even more lucky than usual that I work from home. Zippity dooda. God bless the Net.
And I must say that looking out at my windows from my cozy apartment at all my neighbors struggling hour after hour with scrapers and shovels trying to dig their cars out of the snow and ice, I feel even more lucky than usual that I work from home. Zippity dooda. God bless the Net.'
I'll second that! :-) Loadsa snow (much preferable to rain!) bright sunshine and blue skies ... might even have to drag doggie out for a walk!:-)
Lookit the GIANT!! ;-) NICE pics, Eo!
Philocalist: hope that dawgie of yers isn't a "weiner" dog; might not enjoy the walk quite as much as you! lol! ;-)
Doggy is a Staffy and daft as a brush ... I swear she shares her DNA with a rhinocerous ... built like one, and loves charging straight through anything in her path, whether it be bushes, snowdrifts, or the river, as was the case today when she managed to dislodge an otter with what appeared to be two half-grown cubs!
(They're perfectly OK ... she hates swimming ... too heavy and muscle-bound!)
Great day was had by all, unfortunately sans camera:-)
Your pictures are really SHARP and the color is v. good too. Nice. Would you be inclined to let us know what color space and sharpening you use for the web?
John Collins
Philocalist said...
"Doggy is a Staffy and daft as a brush..."
... I swear she shares her DNA with a rhinocerous ... built like one, and loves charging straight through anything in her path, whether it be bushes, snowdrifts, or the river, as was the case today..."
Sounds like my boxer: goes to beach; scoops sand, in his mouth, (he's that "thrilled" to be there, I guess! lol!), like he's eating snow!! I don't know what the heck goes through that silly dude's goofy head!
"...she managed to dislodge an otter with what appeared to be two half-grown cubs!
(They're perfectly OK ... she hates swimming ... too heavy and muscle-bound!)"
Now there would have been some CUTE pics! :-)
"...unfortunately sans camera. :-)"
Sorry about that! :-(
I think I have set the camera to Adobe RBG (I'm not sure if it means anything in practice), and auto-WB.
I have Nik Sharpener, but I think I just used the ordinary Photoshop sharpening filter. Also, this lens is very sharp.
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