Friday, November 27, 2009

Just keep some of what you earn

I have written about exactly this issue myself here. I keep being astounded that this keeps happening, and when I read the page shown below I yelled "I know! It's incredible!" to the empty room and my wondering neighbors who probably think I'm a little nuts anyway.

The book is The Five Lessons (a Millionaire Taught Me (about life and wealth) by Richard Evans. My friend Angelo recommended it, and it's a short and easy book to read.
The lessons are simple. But if people knew them and followed them, this would be a very different world indeed.


The Dissonance said...

Every time I got a pay raise, I put half of the increase in pay in my investment program. That way I never missed the money, 'cuz I never had it in the first place. Someone smarter than me calls it paying yourself first.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Yes, he uses that phrase too. It's an old one, and a good one.