Friday, February 13, 2009

Law of Attraction

I was asked if the comments under the Tease posts were what I expected. Well, I don't really expect or want things. Sometimes I just have something to say or show, and sometimes I just throw a stone in the pond and let the ripples go where they want. Below is more fall-off from that.

I was much into the "Law of Attraction" a few years ago, and since then it has gone mainstream with the movie The Secret*, but I've discovered there's a higher version of it: wanting what the Universe wants, and letting the Universe do the steering. Perhaps you want a big car, but perhaps that is not what is best for the Universe right now, and if not, it probably is not even good for yourself in the bigger picture.

Aniko wrote:
I met the principle of the "Law of Attraction" last year, but I kind of discovered it for myself some years before. It states that it is what you want yourself that you attract into your life. It can be also be conceived on a plain psychological level: you are open for what you need.

It may be positive-looking, or negative-looking things.

I experimented it, and it works quite well... for me. It means: you have to take full responsibility for what happens to you. And ask yourself, especially when it is weird and unpleasant: why did I want that? Why did I need that ?

Sometimes there is an answer. Sometimes not. But it is worth trying.

Well, I am not good at philosophical "we", I will give a personal example as illustration. For long, I was always attracted to guys who were not interested in me, or who were thousands of miles away: unreachable people. Each time I was sad. And I became even more sad when I realized that this happening over and over again. I had the feeling that there is a curse on me... For many years.

And then I discovered that actually I was the one doing it to myself. I wanted it to be that way. And maybe it was "good" for me. Because I had had bad experiences, I was afraid of having a real relation with a real boy. So I was always trying to reach unreachable guys, and running away from the real guys interested in me. This behavior, though hurting me, actually protected me from something I was much more afraid of: having a real relation.

When I understood the underlying fear, I could start to work on it. It's a long process.

Well, I don't know exactly what the people want for themselves. These are things one can only understand for oneself. The ones who hang out with unreachable girls, or that they don't want to reach. The ones getting involved in all sorts of games, financial, sexual, emotional etc.

I can imagine that a girl who is teasing the guys is actually afraid of intimacy. Then, with her behavior, she is attracting only the guys who see her as a sexual toy, and actually somehow she does not want to be that way, so she reject them. Vicious circle.

I guess the guy who is always hanging out with "bombas" also does not want to have a real relation.

Anyway. No general explanation. Just that if the same situation happens over and over again, then probably we want it. And if we don't like what we want, it is time to start trying to understand why we want it.

Hum. Sorry for being so long...

* I think the Law of Attraction has some workability, but what does it ultimately mean? The promotion of the film says that all these great historical names knew the "secret", but it does not mention that they also were geniuses, and also worked their butts off.


Timo Lehtinen said...

I think the Law of Attraction has some workability ...

Isn't Law of Attraction just another, somewhat more general, expression for gravitation? If yes, I think it has a lot of workability.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

You're pleased to joke.

In a nutshell it means that what you focus on, you get.

Timo Lehtinen said...

I was serious.

I am aware of the expressions popular culture has for the phenomenon, the most eloquent one perhaps coming from Abraham: “That which is liken to itself is drawn.”

But there is only one kind of stuff, whether it be expressed as mass or energy, or consciousness. Therefore, human concentration (or focus, as you say) by necessity operates on that same stuff.

So, if we can observe the force of attraction at work between objects with mass, and in electromagnetism, why would human directed energy be any different?

Monsieur Beep! said...

Aniko's so right with what she writes in the blog quote area. Surely an interesting behavioural feature.
It also goes for men. I think any person can be affected.
I can tell.

Anonymous said...

Eo wrote : I think the Law of Attraction has some workability, but what does it ultimately mean? The promotion of the film says that all these great historical names knew the "secret", but it does not mention that they also were geniuses, and also worked their butts off.

For sure, the film is not perfect, the aims it shows are really materialistic (a big house, a bicycle...). But I think it shows a principle, you can apply it where you want.

I think it is a film one can learn from, without swallowing it in its raw form.

And the idea of taking responsibility for the things that arrive to you... being constantly monitoring your thoughts, conscious of your thoughts and actions... I think it is quite high-level. It is still a lot of work for me, and I know I still need a lot of practice.

Well, if you have past this level, good for you ! :-)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Yes, you're quite right.

In my case, I discovered that I was losing interest in any material goals, so I focused on things like deep communication with the universe. And I wouldn't be surprised if that has fueled much of my further discoveries and development.

Timo Lehtinen said...

what does it ultimately mean?

It means you create your own reality. All of it.

The number and value of material possessions you have is irrelevant with regards to the principle. Even if you have no material "goals", you continue to create the current material possessions you have.

The point is, you can not stop creating. You can not stop directing your attention. The Law of Attraction is not something you do when you want to achieve a goal, any more than gravity is something you do when you parachute jump.

The Law of Attraction is not a method.

Rather, it is a fundamental principle that is at play in the entirety of your experience. It is how everything that you perceive in your reality has come to be and continues to be.

What strikes me as odd is that people associate the law with a popular culture film from 2006! As if the director had invented the idea or something.

How about looking into what Aristotele or Socrates said about these things? Also, Newton was a well known occultist, but that part of his life has been conveniently "forgotten". He did have a thing or two say about attraction, you never know there might be more. Even the concept of "New Thought" as we now know it was developed in the 1800s by writers like Wallace D. Wattles et al. And if you must study the rehashed material from the 1900s, then writers like Napoleon Hill deserve the credit.

But no, people talk about an 2006 DVD targeted for an average Oprah viewer, as if the film was some kind of a definite work on the subject. Geeez! *calming down*

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I hear you, I couldn't even watch the film, it looked like a car commercial.

But this always happens when something gets popularized.

Timo Lehtinen said...

Steve Pavlina has been writing about attraction recently. His last blog post, Shifting Your Vibration to Manifest Your Desires, is quite good.

“Your experience of reality shows you what your favorite vibrational frequencies are. Your peak experiences show you where to grow.”
—Steve Pavlina

Anonymous said...

Blogging is fun.

I remember there was a game we were playing at school. One was drawing a head, and a neck, then folding the paper. The next person could see the lines of the neck, maybe some part of the head, he was drawing the shoulders, and folding the paper again. Then the next player could only see the shoulders, and had to go on drawing, and then folding again. Each of the players was catching the end of the other's drawing and drawing on. It was not determined in advance if the drawing had to represent a human, an ape: it could be any kind of animal. At the end, we opened the paper, and you could see the monster ! :-)

I think blogging is quite similar. You just grab a sentence of what the other said, go on, say something, react.

How did this "Tease" subject, criticizing too good-looking girls not getting in bed with everybody, get to criticize a DVD for not being spiritually high enough? It's really funny...! :-) Especially as the spiritual level of the beginning of the blog-flow wasn't that spiritual either... :-)

Law of Attraction Expert said...

I totally agree with you. I call it serendering your will, because the Universe know better than I want is best for me.