Holding it, I was under the impression that it was the cheapest piece of junk that the People's Republic Of China can produce with today's methods, but when I saw the guarantee document, I stood corrected. It seems it's a "quality timepiece" and "manufactured from first class materials and assembled under rigorous quality controls"!
Wow! Rolex, feel the fear!

So what do you do with all the bread? You've mentioned your bread-building machine a lot and you seem to use it quite often, now triggering even two alarms (short and long distance) when the bread's ready.
I also like fresh crispy bread, yum yum.
I bake maybe two loafs a week.
I baked a loaf for my new neighbors, two young women. They loved the fresh bread so much they ate the whole thing the same evening. :-)
since the alarm built into that machine is too weak to be heard in other rooms.
Or, possibly, in middle age your hearing is not what it used to be! ;-)
Nah. Decades of thrash metal music must be harmless, surely, otherwise they wouldn't allow it.
Their quality statement simply means that the timer is made using an out-of-spec Texas Instruments chip, housed in the lowest grade plastic that THF can produce, in a remote facility in China that houses all the wong people needed to produce a high quality product. Dealing with Asians is suicide. If you ask them if they're ready to buy a product, they nod. But that only means they're listening to you, not agreeing. Like Mexicans - they use their lingual impairment to their advantage. 'Stupidly brilliant!', the British would say.
And they supply the majority of the Western world with products.
How sad.
Eolake - what kind of bread machine is it again...? I might want to start something creative again...
I wonder if it's available in the USA...
It's a Panasonic SD-255.
I chose it based on very good reviews on Amazon. And apart from the weak timer sound I have not been disappointed.
Royce, cute name.
New here?
Why not start with some rolls, Royce?
It must be wonderful to sleep with the two bread-loving ladies under one roof. ;-)
Unfortunately you prefer still life photography, or landscapes & nature.
(I'd like a pic of those gals!)
As they say, you don't, er, fish where you live.
But I can reveal that a few nights ago, I was walking past their window, and one of them was walking around only in a thong. My poor ticker.
Not much of an asexual. They'll be kicking you out of the club. You should be banging those two chicks. You've got money, women like that.
Btw Royce is a guy's name. Royce Gracie's a guy...I mean, sort of.
As they say, you don't, er, fish where you live.
You're a wise man, indeed. All is well when the relationship is ok.
Should the relation turn out to be devilish, however, you're still under one roof with the neighbour devil.
Stay wise!
As to strolling around in the dark:
I love to stroll in the Netherlands at night, especially in small towns, because most windows don't have blinds, and sitting rooms are most beautifully illuminated, a very special atmosphere, cosy and warm. This is a special feature of the Netherlands. Even when it's cold and raining, I feel very comfortable when I walk along in this unique aura.
I can highly recommend a trip to the Netherlands.
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