I never saw Green Card before, but I just started. Seems decent. Am I the only one, though, who feels that Andie MacDowell and Gérard Depardieu are, um, visually mismatched?
Or to be less diplomatic, isn't he butt-ugly?
Though it seems some women like him.
I got the movie for the delectable Bebe Neuwirth, but I must admit Andie is beautiful too. Her hair is astounding. I've only met a couple of women with a wealth of hair like that. I'm guessing it must indicate life and strength, seeing as if you get sick, your hair often loses its bulk and beauty.
He was excellent in "La Police".
She is very pleasing to behold. There was a girl at the not so local mall (Stoneridge) who looked just like her.
As for espousal greencards. Maybe it was having a H1B when I got married and I didn't apple for I-551 until the H1B ran out, that made it so easy. The only problem on the immigration interview was that eldest son was only in utero when I filled out the application, and a few month old when the interview appointment came up, so that needed one extra round of paperwork.
Better Green Card story would be "The Wedding Banquet", an early Ang Lee film.
He's a really good actor, and she's a gorgeous woman with gorgeouser hair. See the "Greystoke" movie for more of that, or "Groundhog Day" for more of her acting. She tends to act against men who rely on her to carry the scene's beauty quotient.
Green card was one of Depardieu's least interesting movies, imho. Try putting your hands on his interpretation of Cyrano de Bergerac, or just about anything else for that matter...
Not that I don't love Andie McDowell, it's just that this movie's directing left a lot to desire, as far as I recall (t'was a long while ago).
I was just thinking a minute ago that we hadn't heard much from you lately, Bert.
My local supermarket used to have girl who looked like Cindy Crawford, only even prettier. One day I asked a staffer: "where's the pretty girl today?" They had a big staff, but he did not need to ask who I meant. He said: "she's off today. Oh, she is pretty though..."
Gerard is not "butt ugly" and might I suggest someone who claims to be so enlightened might find a nicer way to put it? Not that it's true of course.
Btw the hair is probably due more to hair care products than genetics.
"I was just thinking a minute ago that we hadn't heard much from you lately, Bert."
Incredibly busy these days, not much energy left for posting. Still visiting regularly, though.
I'm far from enlightened.
Enlightenment and politeness are two very different things.
I seemed funny to me to put it that way.
I have registered to the American Green Card program with USAGC Organization last year and WON the Green Card.
They gave me a great service and even helped me to take care of issues when i came to USA.
Good luck to every one.
I truly recommend regstering with www.USAGC.org
Hmm, sounds like a promotional thing here. Do you get sales commission?
Just had a look at the USAGC page http://www.usagc.us/ Man, they've done a good job of getting the look and feel of the INS page. Mind you, the INS page http://www.dhs.gov looks simpler, whereas Californias government home page looks more commercal http://www.ca.gov/
Hope nobody is getting ripped off by USAGC, migration is a very important part of a persons life, and to dick with a dream is very antisocial.
There's nothing somebody won't dick with for profit.
I think women like Depardieu 'cuz he has 'big hands'. ;o)
Enlightenment and politeness are two very different things.
Nope. Still, you're not exactly good looking yourself but you probably wouldn't like it if people pointed that out to you.
Btw you might think I'm defending him because I'm a huge fan but I've only seen one of his movies (not Green Card).
"Still, you're not exactly good looking yourself but you probably wouldn't like it if people pointed that out to you."
Very true. But I think that if one stars as Leading Man in a romantic movie, then one's appearance is relevant and open for comments, because it affects the movie.
"visually mismatched?"
May I draw your attention to beddable screen hunks such as Alan Rickman, and Philip Glenister. I don't consider either of them good looking, but I have it on good authority that they are both regarded in a sexual manner by women.
Besides, isn't a chunk of GC about love being something that happens between two people separately from sexual desire and in spite of first impressions.
Face it, both the lead characters are prepared to commit crimes, him for change in status, her for fiscal reasons. Yet we are made to like the criminals and be happy for them in the end.
The whole film is designed to make you empathize with people who have no regards for the law. How does she know he's not an agent from deuxieme bureau invading to undermine the US. How does she know he's not working for the INS as part of a sting operation? It's impossible to say who he is, yet for a few hundred dollars she'll help him. Silly woman, I would say to deport the pair of them! Rant, fume etc. Better turn the AC back on, it's 80F here, and my brains shut down...
"Still, you're not exactly good looking yourself but you probably wouldn't like it if people pointed that out to you."
Wow!! That seemed pretty cold...and completely untrue!! Have you got your glasses on?! lol! From the picture that I see of Eolake, I would beg to differ with you! I think Eolake is a very handsome-looking dude...and...he was even nice enough to publish your rude comment!
*Butt-ugly* is just a humorous way to describe something...anything...that doesn't seem to be *aesthetically appealing*!!
Lighten up people!! lol!
Ah, my most handsome avatar is restored to its former glory! I missed me. :-)
Depardieu is indeed a special face. With a nose that needs no make-up to play Obelix! And he's put on a lot of weight these last few years.
Not a Robert Redford by far, but Mon Dieu, what charisma! You should see him in the version he starred of Count of Monte-Cristo. Awesome.
He also fully assumed his physionomy in such movies as Bogus. The imaginary friend with the silly face.
The "odd couple" effect in Green Card was, I think, deliberate. The whole movie is about an unconsummated marriage, contracted in the sole intention of the guy obtaining the Green Card.
As for women's hair... Our tastes are part of our nature. And anything extra-cultural probably comes from the evolution of our species (for about a thousand centuries now). A female with wide hips is good for carrying children, therefore naturally attractive. Big breasts (well, NATURAL ones at least) are an indication that the babies will be well fed. And generous hair is undoubtedly a sign of a healthy potential mate. Not to mention it makes it easier to clobber her on the head before dragging her behind you. ;-)
We are still, deep down, cavemen. Especially obvious in some of us. See the Taliban: wild beard, macho, brutally barbaric, fond of dwelling in grottos...
A social study in today's West has shown that women themselves tend to (unconsciously?) adjust their hair style according to their social status and intentions. It is much more likely to find long hair in single available women looking for a relationship (or just repeated fleeting good moments), while settled or married women tend to wear their hair short in general. Unless they're looking for new thrills.
A long-haired spouse isn't automatically cheating, of course! It's all a tendancy, definitely not a reliable criterium for judging women. But it seems our atavistic inheritage is still very strong, and often statistically significant.
To mention the Talibanus cavernicus again, islamists are very insistent both on controlling the marital destiny of their women/daughters, and on them hiding every last curl of their hair, deemed OFFICIALLY as "lascivious". To be honest, they ARE overdoing it, but not completely imagining stuff. The street woman in islamic country is very un-attractive in outer aspect, because she is MEANT to be. "Or else!"
So, how do you spot a woman seeking love in the Emirates? Follow your nose, guys. They make generous use of fine perfume, enough to support the whole French cosmetics industry. The scent of a woman (get the pun?) cannot be caught on videotape for morality courts, and isn't explicitly prohibited by islam... quite the contrary! Smelling good is culturally deemed as very proper, distinguished, makes a high class woman stand out compared to lowly and smelly sweaty bedouins (bedouinesses?).
Uhm... was I digressing again? My bowing apologies, rumi effendims. May a loaded camel tread on my slipper next time I am tempted to chatter like the women in the hammam when the hot water is out.
Bert yawned...
"Green card was one of Depardieu's least interesting movies, imho."
Well, that's not too hash of a (humble) opinion. Considering we're talking about Depardieu here, after all. Not exactly Ed Wood. ;-)
He's not really short on good movies. When a actor from France --of all countries-- meets big success in the USA, you know he's got to be good. (Thinking of Jean Reno, Chris Lambert, producer Luc Besson...)
Eolake said [out?] of someone's butt...
"I seemed funny to me to put it that way."
I don't think Gérard would mind much. Self-derision is a typical quality of the French. You should hear the abominable things national comedians say about Sarkozy without so much as a hint of consequences! "Aah. At last, our President has mated. Hooray! And he's the only guy to ever score in Disneyland. Who'da thunk, Snow-White falling for Dopey?"
Ooh yeah, France is a great country for freedom of expression. We have the French to thank for it, by Toutatis.
The Dissonance measured...
"I think women like Depardieu 'cuz he has 'big hands'. ;o)"
I was about to insinuate something about sneaky Freudian symbolism, but I think I'd better zip it. ;o)
Anonymous confessed...
"I've only seen one of his movies (not Green Card)."
I haven't seen Depardieu's Green Card either. I'm not sure he even gets it in the end.
Uhm... "Spoiler warning"? ;-)
Eolake envied...
"I think that if one stars as Leading Man in a romantic movie, then one's appearance is relevant"
Monsieur, are you implying that one has to have a pretty face to be romantique? Quelle offense! Je suis furieux! Combattez-moi en duel, vilain sire!
Alex indicted...
"Face it, both the lead characters are prepared to commit crimes"
Please, how quickly you whip out the big words! I thought the notion of "crimes", as opposed to infraction or misdemeanor, necessitated the element of actual violence?
Trolling, flaming, dissing the blogmaster's supremely aesthetic features, now THOSE are crimes. Violent, heinous, unforgivable, capital crimes. Oh, and racist. (No reason, really, but "racist" always adds more oomph to a prosecution argument, n'est-ce pas? :-)
Oomphah-loomphah, taste my loofah!
tc melted...
"I think Eolake is a very handsome-looking dude"
Well, not exactly the next (the former?) Brad Pitt, but it's true he's not too shabby-looking.
In fact, I think I look a bit like that handsome devil, don't you think?
Okay, so others would argue that I look markedly more like Hassan Nasrallah after a shave. But hey, at least I'm not a Khomeyni clone!
"*Butt-ugly* is just a humorous way to describe something...anything...that doesn't seem to be *aesthetically appealing*!!"
Though not a fetichist by far, I happen to find butts quite pretty. Well, some of them at any rate!
Ooh yeah, France is a great country for freedom of expression. We have the French to thank for it, by Toutatis.
You said - by Belinos!
Though not a fetichist by far, I happen to find butts quite pretty. Well, some of them at any rate!
You disappoint me. Here I was expecting you to do the obvious trick and have that link go to, say, Ron Jeremy's very hairy ass. (Or maybe Robin Williams' - who's hairier, him or The Hedgehog?!)
"I'm not sure he even gets it in the end."
No, it was a strictly hetero movie.
"are you implying that one has to have a pretty face to be romantique?"
Au contraire. Only in Hollywood, but this was that.
Ron who? Oh yeah, that guy who keeps emailing me to sell me magic pills (I think the drug is called Placebo®) that should add 12" to my manhood. As if I wanted to need stilts for walking!
Nanoo-nanoo! A link to the butt of
Robin Williams? Who'd want to be the butt of HIS jokes anyway? Say, why don't YOU put your URL where your mouth is, Johnnie? (Uhm... wait, that's not how I meant to put it! I mean, it didn't come out right! It's hard to express straight. Ah, shucks with it! This joke blows anyway.)
"I'm not sure he even gets it in the end."
Shoot, I just can't express myself properly these days. I keep getting misunderstood in kinky (and strangely appealing) ways.
Ah well, I'll just go and have some fun with my buddy the Hedgehog. Coming, Sonic! My, Amy-Rose, you look hot today... And Bunnie, easy with the mechanical vibrations this time, OK? Last week you shook my bones with your... "special cyborg talents".
"Shoot, I just can't express myself properly these days. I keep getting misunderstood in kinky (and strangely appealing) ways."
Or...perhaps, Pascal, Eolake's mind *took off*...in another direction! lol! ;-)
("No, it was a strictly hetero movie.")
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