One of the funniest songs/videos yet from Weird Al Yankovic.
Check out Donny Osmond as the Big White Nerd dancer.
That's a hoot and a holler, as Trey Parker would have it.
Oh, and in case you (like me) don't know which song he took it from, it is Ridin (Dirty). It's a good song.
There's also a Making Of video. Watch it. Donny O is very funny!
Donnie Osmond is such a "has been."
I wish he'd stay away.......far away. Both him and his hillbilly sister.
Anonymous said...
Donnie Osmond is such a "has been."
I wish he'd stay away.......far away. Both him and his hillbilly sister.
Totally agree. Those candy-coated brats were and still are stomach turning. Mormon jokes.
Totally disagree with anon and kelly. Donny [this, btw, is how we spell it] is fun in this video. It's Donny together with Weird Al that kinda looks so out-of-place that it's brilliant.
There was a similar effect when Art of Noise did Prince's Kiss together with Tom Jones. Totally kewl!
I found that Britney's kiss with Madonna was out-of-place, but had zero coolness. Felt too staged.
(Even though it WAS on a stage!) ;-)
It's Donny together with Weird Al that kinda looks so out-of-place..
Donnie Osmond looks out of place anywhere with the exception of being in a colgate commercial.
Everything in the last decade he has tried to accomplish something in as failed miserably.
He can't take being a nobody these days, but his time has passed thankfully.
He can't take being a nobody these days, but his time has passed thankfully.
yes it has kim, so glad it has. he reminds of me a silly puppy begging for attention after it has been push away several times.
give me attention, give me attention, yada yada.
... but his time has passed thankfully.
I understand you don't like his persona. I'm not a great fan of his either. But how can you say the above about any living performer?
I take this to mean that you yourself, anon and kim, are highly succesful and well established artists spanning several decades. Care to give us some hints as to your identity, so we, captain Eo's readers, can take guesses?
As I mature, I find it harder and harder to judge people harshly. I found it always left a residue festering in my heart. And when I stopped judging (gradually, it's not easy), I started feeling lighter and more free.
donny osmond? didn't he have other brothers too that faded into oblivion?
Eolake said...
"As I mature, I find it harder and harder to judge people harshly."
Absolutely. At least about art, talent, personnality, and such stuff. Let them be!
The only people I still judge are politicians. Because they bear such a responsibility involving the fates of so many people, so they don't have the right to just screw it up big time for very stupid and/or selfish reasons. I they're not up to it, they should just abstain! ):-P
I'm not commenting again about the latest events in Lebanon. It's needless. I'll just say that I don't hesitate much about calling many of the "people in place" criminally insane. The useless deaths are their calamitous doing, they brought this upon whole countries.
So, a person who only, eventually, sings badly? Hey, I'm okay with it! I *so* wish Adolf Hitler could have become just another bad painting artist. The millions of WW2 victims and exterminated jews certainly wouldn't have minded THAT as much as the alternative.
Also, I know too well how a timely compliment can turn a person's life around by giving them self-confidence, and reversely. You have the power to potentially affect the lives of people whose critic you become. And with power comes responsibility...
I frequently say, about such or such, "Well, I don't fancy him", or "I don't care one bit about what she does". But I also add: "To each their own taste".
Tolerance is give and take. Tolerate others, and if everybody does the same, you will be tolerated by all. It is only by giving yourself that you shall receive.
Think about it, please.
Best to you all.
Eolake said...
"I found it always left a residue festering in my heart."
This also is so very true. It feels like the bad karma becomes physically perceptible inside, and markedly nauseating. (I feel it more around my stomach, myself...) I don't like feeling sick about myself. You see, I have to live with me all the time. ;-)
I don't like feeling sick about myself. You see, I have to live with me all the time. ;-)
On my second post, I'd like to say that I'm sorry I bothered some of you with my negative remarks concerning Mr. Osmond. I do wish him well.
To you Pascal, it's your words that made me come to this decision and eolakes as well. I've been sick recently and that's no excuse but anyway thanks for the reminders about judging harshly. Good day.
That's large of you.
Blessed is the one who can change his mind, especially about judgement, for his is the key to heaven.
Um, didn't mean to go all biblical there, but I do believe it's true. (And it sounded like Jesus, but it was me who said it.)
Anonymous said: "donny osmond? didn't he have other brothers too that faded into oblivion?"
Well, at least they have names. They each also have an article of their own in Wikipedia.
In contrast, your moniker, and article is shared by every other non-person on the planet.
The Osmonds may have "faded into oblivion", but you never even emerged from it.
Eolake: "As I mature, I find it harder and harder to judge people harshly. I found it always left a residue festering in my heart. And when I stopped judging (gradually, it's not easy), I started feeling lighter and more free."
These are wise words from the captain. I agree 100%.
Artists and performers rarely say anything harsh about other artists. They know that presenting yourself and your work to the world at large, and in many cases subjecting your livelyhood to the outcome, takes so much courage that that act alone puts you way above the rest.
Eolake said...
That's large of you.
Aye. I second that. :-)
Hope you're feeling better now, Kim. With that global warming modifying environmental conditions, it seems people everywhere are getting sick much more often this year. New weather, new microbes.
We'll have to cope with that for the next few decades. :-/
The Osmonds may have "faded into oblivion", but you never even emerged from it.
nor have you.
LOL! White n nerdy is damn nice.
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