Sunday, June 11, 2006

A cup?

When I go to Google today, there is mention, very prominently, of some "World Cup". Apparently I am supposed to know what that is.


Anonymous said...

It's the Muggle version of the Goblet of Fire.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Thank you very much.
My good friend Laurie Jeffery (male) is the kind who will say to a room full of football fans (who he worked with): "when I am king of the world, football will be banned, and all the fans will be shot."

And if you want a good laugh, see his message to prudes at his site

Anonymous said...

Americans have their "bowls", the rest of the world have "cups". I never understood why sports events are associated with kitchen utensils.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Ya. I wanna compete in the super-blender.

Anonymous said...

"If you don't like it, don't watch it." There, that's out of the way! ;-)
Actually, I hear it's more like a Muggle version of Quidditch, but much less spectacular. Imagine : players have to hurt each other without using bats or bludgers or high falls. They do use enhancing potions however. But hardly anyone ever died, bah!
"Kitchen utensils"? I thought these bowls and cups referred to intimate accessories, like toilets or crotch protections. And what about that poor player in black who never catches the ball? Whose team is he on?

Erick G. Hagstrom said...

So this is supposed to be like, ummm, a really BIG cup? Bigger than DD? Maybe I need to pay more attention to sports! (BTW wonko, this comment also is tongue in cheek. I do that a lot. But if you'd like to enlighten us re: the history of brassieres or whatever, please feel free :-)

Erick G. Hagstrom said...

"Wonko outside the asylum said..."

Dude, you are the KING of Too Much Information! :-)

(Actually, I read the whole article. History, culture, anatomy--something for everyone!)

Anonymous said...

You're out of your mind, Erick! There's never TMI about women's lingerie. ;-)