Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Spam Arrest

OK, I finally got royally fed up with spam. I counted that I had over a THOUSAND caring, personal messages informing me about "The Ultimate Online Pharmaceutical". Barf.
And I was using maybe ten minutes daily sorting spam, even after two different spam filters had been applied. And at my earnings, that is around $40. :)
Not to mention the sheer irritiation. Not good for my digestion.
I had hesitated long though, because I really love getting e-mails, and I'd hate to miss any communications. But there is a slight risk to anything. So I signed up for It is a challenge system, a sender sending to me for the first time will get a mail asking him to go to a web site and writing in a word shown in a graphic, thus proving that he is human and that he cares enough that he will use thirty seconds extra.
O what a relief it is to get up in the morning and seeing only the thirty mails I want, instead of a hundred, must of which I must sort out. And not to have to wonder if I really don't want a longer Dick Tracy, bigger eja... celebrations, more medicines, fake Rolexes...
UPDATE: I wanted to extract all the addresses from the mails I have received in the last four months (that is how big my current mail archive is. When the file gets too big I make back-archives) in order to white-list them. I used address-extracting software, and lo: it amounts to 9.250 addresses... I got almost twenty thousand legit emails from over NINE THOUSAND different people in four months! (And this does not include the spam...) Now, most of this is business mail. I am not that popular. :)


Anonymous said...

I have a free email account at that sort of does the same thing. If I get an e-mail from someone (or something) that isn't on my allowed list, they get sent a message that has a link in it, and once they click on that, the message automatically gets put into my inbox. I don't use e-mail that much, so it has just been kind of a hassle so far. It is a nice service though. No ads on the website or anything.

Hannah said...

Have you tried Spam Pal? I've got it... and it's only misclassified one or two messages up til now. And it's free!

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

No doubt Spampal is great, but:
1: I use Macintosh.
2: The great thing about SpamArrest is that the spam never appears on my machine!