Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Soap Wolf

While on the phone with a friend I was washing some apples in the kitchen sink (you gotta love a wireless phone with an ear piece), and when I let the water out, I saw this amazing thing. "It's like a dog from soap," I told my friend and I rushed to get my camera, because obviously figures in soap suds don't last. And in fact I think the tail had fallen down a bit in just those thirty seconds it took to get the camera.

It was only a bit later I remembered that a couple of days ago I was asked what my spiritual guidance animal was, and to my surprise I had said "a wolf".


Monsieur Beep! said...

That's a clue to understand mutation and evolution.

A while ago while at work I heard the squeeking of some twisting metal frame, which produced the distinct words "How are you" (in German, lol). I was so baffled that I turned around to find out who had spoken the greeting, fully aware it had been some tones produced by that frame in just the same way our vocal cords produce them when we talk.

Hannah said...

Cool! :)

I thought I was the only one who liked seeing shapes that "aren't there". :)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, the thing is I never do that. I always made fun of people who saw things in the clouds and so on.

Zeppellina said...


I like the Soap Wolf....!!!

Spookily interesting.....!!

(as well as being a fabulous image!!)

Anonymous said...

Is it a Big Bad Wolf - Mahesh

Zeppellina said...

No such thing as the big bad wolf...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I see as a matter of projecting oneself over shapes.To me it is obvious that we are looking at a deer or an antelope here, ¿Bambi?

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I think the large tail sat higher before I ran to get the camera.

But your point has validity.