Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sin is lack of love

"Darkness is lack of light as sin is lack of love. It has no unique properties of its own. It is an example of the 'scarcity' belief, from which only error can proceed. Truth is always abundant. Those who perceive and acknowledge that they have everything have no needs of any kind." -- A Course In Miracles


laurie said...

I find this thought very profound, and to attempt to live it even more so. Who wants to admit that deep down we are all having a love affair with the scarcity principle?

real happiness is extremely threatening to the ego. It's why it's so rare.

Anonymous said...

real happiness is extremely threatening to the ego. It's why it's so rare.

That doesn't make sense. My ego rejoices if and when I am happy. There are "no" immediate threats made therefore.