Monday, February 26, 2007

Joe Mama photography

I found Joe Mama while researching lenses for portrait photography (with soft backgrounds). He rocks. Such quiet style and sense for composition.


Anonymous said...

The second photo of the young girl looking out the window is awesome. It makes the viewer wonder what she is thinking about? Growing older? Thinking about God? Perhaps admiring the landscape? This ones a keeper.
You see, this photo spoke to me.
Keep reaching Eolake, you're doing great in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

This makes me well aware that I'll never be a great photographer, I don't have the "gift" for it.

But that's okay. I know I am gifted elsewhere. Everybody is, somehow.

Such photos inspire me two things:
- To admire and enjoy them.
- To find the domain where I might myself excell or attempt to. So I'll give something to the world too. It's all about sharing the joy.

laurie said...

The expression on the little girl's face is profound, simple and beautiful.

me too terry, the second photo spoke to me of deeper things, of wondering.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of the little chinese girl. Reminds me of my little chinese friend. I like chinese faces.

Xie Xie / Thanks for sharing.