This morning, somebody had put a blank envelope in my mail box. No writing on it whatsoever. That made me curious. So I opened it, and inside was fifty pounds in cash! (Call it ninety dollars.) I can't think of anybody around here who owes me money, so I'm just assuming somebody felt generous. We should all have neighbors like that!
Chapter two: in the same mail round was a letter from the Samaritans, the big British suicide hotline outfit. I respect their work, and I took it as a sign, and donated the fifty pounds to them.
Well Eolake's certainly racking up the karma points this morning. Nice to hear.
A new PR trick? Or was your mailbox mistaken for someone other's? Funny, indeed.
I'll go and check my mailbox straight away. And just in case, there'll be no "Return to Sender".
Have a good weekend,
Reminds me of my kid beggar story.
Just a little. (pun intended)
You're certainly picking a worthy cause to support.
I hope this good deed will compensate the crime you just commited by scanning money and posting the prohibited picture on the internet!
99.9% impeccable
next time don't publish :)
This is something Zen Master Seun Sahn used to say. He founded the Zen Buddhist Center where I used to live in Providence, Rhode Island. It's still there, check it out online. Kwan Um Zen School, or, Providence Zen Center. Fantastic experience.
Oh there are lots I don't publish. :)
SR's 99.9% right. :-)
Because when you don't do it in the intention of bragging, the example is useful and/or inspirational to others.
I really wish there was something like "the Samaritans" here in Lebanon. There's a lot of things I wish we had here. (You could summarize them with the word "civilization"...)
It may be immodest or any number of things, but it's silly to say it negates the whole event.
If charitable associations kept what they do a secret, how would they ever get the necessary funding? Just my dos pesetas aqui...
Oh - is THAT where my fifty pounds went; I knew that I had dropped in the Bolton/Darwen area somewhere............Just joking, Eolake - really !
Greville Janner, an employment law specialist, used to say "never do good by stealth", which struck me as quite useful for those who actually NEED the approbation of others - but not you, Eolake - surely not you.
"never do good by stealth"
Let me guess : that Greville Janner is an advisor for politicians, right? For them, that's actually useful job advice. :-P
Say, are you per chance the same RonC who makes these not Domai-unrelated cartoons?
Hi Pascal - no, not THAT RonC - I even checked his photograph on the site to make sure. Me, draw - I couldn't draw a short straw...............
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