Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I have a lovely friend who is working in the orchestra of a major metropolitan opera house. It is very prestigious.
The pay is pretty good.
... Until you consider the cost of living in the big city. And the fact that they work six days a week, rehearse in the morning and play in the evening. So they have one day a week off only.
My friend is very creative, so she is suffering under this job. Playing the same thing every day in a big orchestra is not exactly a creative outlet. But most (classic) musicians are probably more like craftsmen than artists. So many suffer it gladly, more or less. It is a highly sought-after position, after all, one that millions of musicians covet.
It makes me think: how important prestige is for us humans. People will work long, long hours for their whole life, without any prospect of advancement, for half-decent pay, just for the pleasure of being able to say to new people they meet (if they ever have time to meet any): "I play at ___ Opera House."
Wow, it's amazing.

1 comment:

Zeppellina said...

Hi Eolake,

Sorry I haven`t been about lately.

Good post. The Arts, especially, are full of stories like this, aren`t they?!

There is a prestige there in just being there, being in the right place, hoping to get further, perhaps be noticed, and go further.......

and all on a low wage.

Sometimes it`s almost as if you are meant to practise your art and your profession for the love of it alone!