So, I got the speakers for my new high fidelity setup. All is being played from the Mac, in near-CD quality (I can't hear the difference anyway). And due to iTunes, I can shuffle and arrange several thousand songs any way I want to, instead of messing around with CDs.
The speakers are from DesignE.co.uk, and I am one of the first people in the world to get a set (the sixteenth buyer according to a highly placed source in the company), they are brand spanking new. These guys break new ground in speaker designs. Real solid wood for one thing, for another the spherical design which helps both sound and looks, and I think they were the first to use that.
Click on the images for larger versions.
The bear in the picture I have had and loved for a decade. He was recently named Bradshaw Bear by my friend Jade, pictured here.

Cute and innocent photograph of Jade. Cute lil' teddy bear and the speakers. You also have got cool new photographers. Did you photograph Jade or was it done by someone else?
Sorry, I meant cool photographs.
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