Monday, April 06, 2009

Sex Guide

Sex Guide for everybody.

I think it's meant in all seriousness, and can surely be helpful, but still it's sometimes pretty funny.

"The penis can be very frightening to some, but it really is very fun to play with."

"There are many toys out there for men to get some thrusting action from."

"When engaging in spanking or whipping, you don't always have to restrain your partner."

"After she reached orgasm, my g/f decided that she wanted to try f***ing me…Holy Awesome!!!!"

1 comment:

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Hey, sex SHOULD be fun!

Also, stating the obvious for teaching purposes is an endless source for amusing statements.
The ickle niece is 2½, smack in the middle of the "stating the obvious" phase. A laugh a minute.
It's called being candid. :-)

BTW, that phase in children isn't only normal, it's essential. They need to organize the world, and make sure they got all those things right.

So, when making older learners understand all about sex including the "bare" basics, those of us for whom it's all common knowledge must expect a few moments of hilarity.
Therefore, deal with it and quit complaining! ;-)