Friday, July 09, 2010

Big wallpaper photos

I found this great page for wallpaper photos, up to 1600 x 2560 (Apple Cinema Display) size.

If you know other sites with good photos or art in such size, please share.

I just wish it weren't so common for photos on the web to be over-saturated and over-sharpened. I might even go for some more BW ones...
Like this one, very nice indeed:

Update: KabelYaache said:
Just in case you have ever taken a tripod and a camera out at night to do some shots, you might notice that the saturation of the lighted areas is increased. As well as the contrast.
But, it's easier to sit pretty writing about things, than actually doing them, n'est pas?

Eolake said:
I was not talking about those pics I had selected, but rather about those I hadn't.
And it's not all of them, just some. Like these:


KabelYaache said...

Just in case you have ever taken a tripod and a camera out at night to do some shots, you might notice that the saturation of the lighted areas is increased. As well as the contrast.

But, it's easier to sit pretty writing about things, than actually doing them, n'est pas?

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I was not talking about those pics I had selected, but rather about those I hadn't.
And it's not all of them, just some.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

"N'est-CE pas", Kabel. "N'est-CE pas".
Parlez un bon Français, je vous prie, mon ami! Ce sont les bonnes manières entre gens convenables, cher monsieur Yaache...

Hey, I once took a photo quite reminiscent of that one with the snow tracks, right in front of my house! :-)
But you had an easy pick there, Eo. Almost ANY snowy scenery picture looks nice in B&W, because naturally it almost looks B&W anyway.

KabelYaache said...

Oui, Pascal!
Okay - it's been a while since I lived in a French environment.

Unless we add 'Julie' to the equation... But that would be another story. We had great fessee fun, though.

rock strongo said...

But, it's easier to sit pretty writing about things, than actually doing them, n'est pas?

You are one bitter, angry dude.

Anonymous said...

They've got a lot of really beautiful images on that site. Right now I've got Hope Valley as my desktop. Eolake, "Salle de Musique de Chambre" is probably right up your alley.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

rock strongo said...
"You are one bitter, angry dude."

Woody: YOU... ARE... A... TOY!!! You're aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're a-- Aw, you're an action figure! You are a child's plaything!
Buzz: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell. [exits]

[Pascal] I remember how THAT bitter rivalry ended.

Lebanese proverb: "You only win a good friend after a good beating."
That is, if both come out of it in one piece.
Then again... Buzz DID lose his arm at one point, LOL!