Sunday, May 16, 2010

Photoshop CS5

Just a quick note on Photoshop CS5's "content-aware fill".
It is not quite as "magical" as the demoes let us to believe. It only works really well half the time. Sometimes you get odd results which look it has simple cloned another part of the picture willy-nilly.
Also, you would think that the new Content-aware option for the Healing Brush would be a fantastic solution for removing scars and such. It really should be. But sometimes it looks like hell, for instance leaving skin much darker than the surrounding skin! This is frankly a poor show.


Tommy said...

That's not good news. I was thinking seriously about upgrading, but now??

Philocalist said...

I'm sat wondering: this would be a fantastic tool if it worked as implied, but is Photoshop CS5 the correct place for it, or is it better suited to say, Elements, which is much more friendly towards less skilled users?
Photoshop Cs5 is by any definition a professional tool and developed for / aimed squarely at that market: is it unreasonable therefore to expect users to be able to contribute at least some expertise, rather than offer a one-push-fixes-all button?
I use Photoshop CS5 AND Elements AND the latest incarnation of what was Paint Shop Pro ... and I'm inclined towards believing that out of all of them, PSP is the most productive, in terms of results gained measured against my (very) modest expertise :-) ... and was WAYYYYY cheaper too!

Tommy said...

Thanks, Philocalist. I'll check out Paint Shop Pro..

Maybe the upgrade will take a slight turn. We'll see.

Tommy said...

Philocalist, is it actually PaintShop Photo Pro X3 by Corel?