Saturday, May 01, 2010

Machine guns

In Apple's app store you can buy an app which fires realistic machine guns, with the actual sound of each model. You can fire it off at max volume at your friends, and imagine it were real and your friends were short brown people in some hot country which doesn't have democracy to protect them against people like yourself.

But lord forbid you see a single nipple in the Apple store, that might give people ideas! (Heck, I think even bikini girls are barred.)


Miserere said...

Remember when I said it was "hypocrisy" on another of your posts, and you said "I'm not sure"? This is what I was talking about.

Don't get me started.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, this I can see, but at that points I hadn't seen any guns in the Apple store.

Hentai said...

Yeah well, eo, you're the one supporting the evil company that is Apple.

Timo Lehtinen said...

[ In Butthead's voice: ] Cool!

Firearms! Now we are talking. This might be the app that finally tips me over to buying this gadget.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Not anymore I'm not. Last night I threw $14.000 worth of Apple gear in the dumpster, except the iPad, I gave it to a kindergarten. Principles are principles.

Jan said...

Please indicate where I can find said dumpster. ;-)

But seriously, Apple is creating itself a world of pain: