Monday, April 05, 2010


I'm watching Wolverine. I like it, entertaining.

Interesting to notice though, how it's a "family" type action movie. Perhaps because it's Marvel Comics, I don't know. But here you have a fight between two men both of whom has big nasty claws as main power, and they're trying to kill each other. And yet you barely see a drop of blood. If that was real, there'd be blood flying all over the place. They would be soaked in it and slipping in it.


dave nielsen said...

And yet you barely see a drop of blood. If that was real, there'd be blood flying all over the place. They would be soaked in it and slipping in it.

This is why Wolverine as part of the X-Men never made a lot of sense to me. In his own comic he was killing people left and right. The body count was huge. When he hung out with the X-Men he never killed. I'm not sure how they handled him on that animated X-Men show.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Haven't seen it, but here's a wild guess: his main job would be wise-cracking. You know, to show how edgy he is...

dave nielsen said...

Wise-cracking in a manly, badass way, though, different from say the way Spider-Man does it. :)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Oh yes. Spider-man would sound positively gay in comparison.