Saturday, April 24, 2010


I'm just watching the amazingly refreshing movie Angel-A (US link, UK link).

It's only now that I discover that it's a Luc Besson movie. And that the ball-breakingly hot lead actress is Danish Rie Rasmussen, who is also a film-maker herself. She's also huge. Damn. Not a gram of fat too much, but look how small the French actor looks next to her. Man, we have some good Danes these days.


Alex said...

Didn't I tell you about this film a few months ago? Possibly not, I remember sharing about it on-line.
Very funny film, love the humour.

I also like the B&W photography, and they filmed early in the morning so they had Paris to themselves. We we're just talking about re-renting it.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

It might well have been your mention which did it.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Ah yes, and the gall to make a BW film these days. Kool.

dave nielsen said...

She is 5'10". He must just be short. Although 5'10" is still tall for a chick.

Miserere said...

I've seen that actor in many Luc Besson films (and other French films) and he's pretty small. Very good actor, though.

I'd heard of this film, and now that you've toggled my memory, I'll have to rent it. I like L.B., I like French movies, and I like B&W, sooo...what am I waiting for, huh? :-D

Thanks, Eo.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

I know this French actor pretty well. Jamel Debbouze is quite the little guy. FYI.
He's also a very BIG talent.
A bit like Al Pacino, but more funny. Pacino is a lot more into dramatic roles.

If you noticed, Debbouze always keeps his right hand in his pocket. That's because he's disabled: his right arm is paralyzed, I think from some accident.

And yet, this dude seems to attract all the hot chicks. Looks like he's doing something right. Thanks for the pointers, Jamel. ;-)

I tend to have a thing for petite women, and that cute side to them. Probably an Oedipean thing: my mom's not tall in stature either. But ALSO big where it counts, like the aforementioned actors.
Still, I wouldn't mind a woman notably taller than me. I know it's nothing to diminish my own worth.
When both in a couple are big in soul, the contrast profits both. :-)

And, don't belittle (pun intended) short people. Sometimes, it is an incentive for them to make great things. Sarkozy is no wimp. Napoleon almost conquered all of Europe. Same with Hitler. (Not an endeavour I approve of, but definite credits for balls there.) Aznavour? No Shaquille O'Neil either, but what a voice, and what a presence on stage!

Small people try to push you beneath them. Big people try to pull you to their level. This is why I love carrying the kids on my arm while nurturing their minds with loving sense. Conveys the spiritual message better.
I've also been frequently criticized for leaning or crouching when I speak with a little child. I do this because, unlike "straight-thinking people", I know it doesn't make me any smaller. On the contrary, it shows to the kids that I respect them as equals. :-)

A priori, I consider everyone as an equal. Until I can check their actual size as persons. In a way, I consider this as "handing out samples of me".

"Harry, to know a person's real worth, look not how they behave with their equals, but with their inferiors." -- (Albus Dumbledore)
Not to upset the atheists out there, but this is also something I learned from the real Jesus. The one in the canonic texts.
(The countless "modern" adaptations by preachers are CATASTROPHIC.)
"Let the little children come to me."
(No, not THAT way, Father O'Fondle!!!)
He always spoke to the humble people with natural respect. Just like he did to big shots, when well-behaved. Such as that centurion.

Mentioning Jesus was a way to stay on the topic of that angel-A. ;-)
Note to self: find that movie and watch it.

Schindler's List also dared the choice of B&W, and it gave it great power by immersing the viewer into the atmosphere of the Past. Made me feel as if I were there. History came strikingly alive.
Just thinking of this movie now, I still feel shaken.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Hunh. While I was typing my large comment, Miserere beat me to it saying the same.

Score another one for the competitive advantages of brevity. :-)

Miserere said...

What was that, Pascal? Sorry, I fell asleep halfway through your comment :-p

Ms Rasmussen told moviesonline: "I'm not that tall, especially for Danish people, but I'm 5-10 1/2 and he’s [Jamel Debbouze], I don't know, he's very, very small. [Laughs] He's a surprisingly small person."

FYI: He's 5'10". And he lost the use of his arm when he was hit by a train at the age of 14.

dave nielsen said...

He is 5'5".

dave nielsen said...

Not to upset the atheists out there, but this is also something I learned from the real Jesus. The one in the canonic texts.

Anyone who would say this hasn't read those texts. Jesus like Mother Teresa had good PR people.