US porn industry seeks multi-billion dollar bailout, article.
"... as long as the government is handing out money, we want to be there to take it."
[...] "The 13-billion-dollar industry is in no fear of collapse," they say. "But why take chances?" "
I agree. If people who have been grossly careless with other people's money are bailed out, why shouldn't more responsible people be?
And since I am usually, with Domai, considered part of that industry for worse, I want to be part of it for better too, so I want money also. Sure, I'm not in the US, but most of my customers are, about two thirds. I'll be happy with a two thirds cut, thanks. :-)
As much as I like Larry Flint (and basically any DOM!), I'm not too convinced.
To quote his own words: "In difficult economic times, Americans turn to entertainment for relief. More and more, the kind of entertainment they turn to is adult entertainment."
So, basically, he's admitting himself this obvious fact, that a crisis is actually GOOD for the porn industry. People will turn more to porn, for comfort. Orgasm IS the simplest, cheapest and safect "drug", along with laughter. :-)
So I believe this request for cash, and the predictable nationwide outrage from prudes that'll bombard it with WMDs (Weapons of Mass & Devotion), is simply a clever (and very uncostly) publicity maneuver.
Which is fine, don't get me wrong, I think it's absolutely brilliant. It's just that I can see the strings on this act.
Oh, and OF COURSE, Domai should receive a cut of that support. Especially if it is, once more, in the form of cash to the Americans to encourage them to consume.
But it would be more adequate, methinks, to state your demand as support for ART.
(So, is my free subscription getting renewed? grovel-grovel ;-)
I'd be happy if they'd send me a hundred bucks. Canadians love a good bailout and would happy to receive it in American dollars. cjg of eroticalee or in this case pornolee.
"Pornolee", good one. (^_^)
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