Friday, March 15, 2013

When David Bowie joined in a band, Tin Machine, for a couple of years in the early nineties, ostensibly on equal footing with the other members, there was great scepticism. And the band did not take over the world. But I liked some of their stuff, particularly on vol One. They had just the clean dirty hard rock sound they'd been aiming for. Bowie said in an interview that they'd been messing around in digital to get the right digital dirty sound, and it occurred to them that some people still got that by just playing with the right, ole-time, dirty sounding rock equipment...

Stateside, below, is the one track on the second album I really liked. Funny enough a track not written or sung by Bowie, but by Hunt Sales.

"Where the suffering comes easy on a blonde with no brain..." 


  1. You Belong in Rock'n'Roll (YouTube) is the one Tin Machine song that did it for me.

  2. Yes, good song.

    It's astounding how soft they sound in this version! I wonder if they very deliberately decide how hard the sound is to be for each gig?

  3. Yes, the dynamics are wonderful in this version.

    After listening to this, I went to check out the other versions on YouTube, and none were as interesting as this Top of The Pops one.

    Whatever it is that's so cool about Bowie, is on ample display here. His movements and subtle dancing routines are just as interesting as his signing. All very virtuosic.

  4. Yeah.
    My old Swedish pal Stefan "Bassman"''s big Bowie fan page states (or used to) "There's old wave, and new wave, and there's David Bowie". And I agree, I always felt DB was on a level by himself when he was best.

    And by the way, I also feel that the artists I like very best are usually very uneven, because they tend to take chances.
