Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jeff Birchill stone art II

I've posted Jeff's art before. He makes really good stone art.
He now has a Gallery on FB.

But oddly it seems that I have to log into facebook in order to view the photos. This seems odd to me, and counterproductive, and not what Jeff believes should happen, so can you tell me please, do you have a different experience with his site according to if you're logged in or not? (Maybe you can use a different browser for one of those.)

(Uhm, that's not Jeff though.)


  1. Using iceweasel on KNOPPIX
    I have to log in to see his gallery. I don't like FB for this purpose.
    I don't like the capchas either; That's why I don't often post. One try is all I give it!

  2. Yes, I put back the captchas, very sorry, but I was drowning in spam, and it didn't increase the number of legit comments appreciably.

  3. If you are asking if I can see the kids FaceBook page, then yes. No problem. Prove to me that you are human.

  4. I don't like the capchas either; That's why I don't often post.

    Long live the capcha!
